I have been playing with my blog layout again! Some of these day's I will get it like I want it, maybe! Most of the time I am scared to death if I change something it will trash everything! I sure wish I knew more about computers and I wasn't so afraid! I would even be open to taking some classes, but I'm not sure where you look for blogging classes! LOL! Hope you all have a great day!
New Upcycle Ideas 767 with furniture makeovers
12 hours ago
I hear you girl. I get brave but then back off 'cause I just know it will crash and burn. I have to say your blog looks pretty darn good now!
P.S. I got that link thingy changed...aren't you proud of me?
Theresa that doll picture is simply awesome!
Blogging classes? Hm have you asked Karen of Valentine Design blog yet? I'm almost sure that she could help!
Wishing you a happy day!
xoxo~ Carola
I know exactly what you are talking about! I need to work on mine, but don't know where to start, and don't want to complicate things. I am computer illiterate - what can I say! :-D I need to take the time, sit down, concentrate, and figure out what to do - but I usually hit the keyboard running.. :-D
It looks wonderful the way it is! I do the same thing. If I lost my entire blog, I would be sick. Love the doll head photo.
We just updated ours and it was worth the risk. I sure love any changes you make though!!! Your designs - blog or otherwise, are always welcome.
You know I will help you any time. Call me and we will go through it when you are ready! It's the very least that I can do...
I think it looks great, but it is fun to play around and mix things up. :-)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
It looks great, but I know what you mean, that new E blogger format is for the birds...I have the same problem with Piper's, it's so confusing and doesn't make sense! I'll end up doing a different format too!
The Brocantess booth looks FAB...and I can so see you walking around with that cheese dish...too funny!!!
Thanks for making me remember your blog, every time I go to it I think, damn I gotta change that...sometimes it's takes a kick in the booty...or a brownie...guess where I went...thinkin' of ya seester...heehee!!!
man. can i ever relate! i know about enough to be dangerous!
Hi, I just found your blog and love it! I'll be back soon :)
Do I ever understand what you are saying. But, I think your blog looks great, so you have something figured out! BTW, I changed your IP on my link.
Hi Theresa, I know what you mean I'm afraid to mess with my very much, scared I will really mess it up!!! I love the doll head, now I'm going to look around your blog a bit!!! hugs~~~ Daphne
Your blog has a nice look. I just redid mine also. I am still working on my other blog. Not quite satisfied with it yet.
. . . and you're right; it can be a little scary.
Happy hunting,
fuy--i was just thinking how much i love your new layout and that your should teach classes!
i've never done 127--certainly no eergy for it this year--perhaps, next.
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