Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Official!

I am so excited!
We get possession the first of Oct.
I'm I crazy or what?
Open a shop when things seem to be a little off with the economy? 
And opportunity came my way and I decided to jump on it!
The building was a Bank and it's very small,
but I think it will work fine for me and my daughter!
Sarah is going to be joining me in this adventure.
I've been pretty burned out with the shows for awhile now.
We've been keeping the roads hot for 11 years and I'm ready to put down some roots.
I can't wait to get the building and do some painting inside.

I love it!
Your gonna be seeing many,
many pictures of this place from now on!

I decided to downsize my space at the mall since I was opening my own shop!
I have a very small 5x10 space, but I think it turned out pretty cute!
What is it about that junk that make my heart jump?
I love this business, although it is very tough at times.
When I was trying to decide on the shop someone said to me,
"sell what you love and they will come".
I think this is very true!
I plan on having some dark wood, industrial and a few white things at the  shop.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am so happy for you!
    What a beautiful building,super cute,can't wait to see pictures and posts as you get it fixed up and settled in,so exciting!

  2. Congratulations!! What town is the shop in? I am in DFW area and would love to come see it! I love your style and it is amazing how large you made a 5 by 10 look!!! I love the old bank building with the benches out front, the addition of dark woods and industrial along with the shabby chic will hit all markets and some of us love all three!! I have a mixture in my home I could never go all white... Good luck!!!

  3. What exciting news! I am so happy for you! My daughter and I are thinking of opening a shop in the near future also! Love the old building, lots of potential! I can hardly wait to see what you make of it, I am sure it will be awesome, no doubt!

  4. Congratulations and I think the building is adorable! You will make it awesome I'm sure! Can't wait to see more pics. Have a great weekend.

  5. Congrats!!! You'll probably be ready for the Crossing Festival, then! I live nearby and had visited you before. I'll stop in sometime after you get all settled!

  6. I LOVE IT!!! This shop is gonna be AMAZING!!!! Oh why oh why do I have to live so far away from you??? We're counting on you sharing everything with us now...blogging is the best! Wishing you much success sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  7. Congratulations I am so excited for you and your daughter. Just being together, how fun is that! Please take a lot of before and after photos. of the shop. It will be cute, you have a wonderful talent for display. Hugs and have fun, sandi

  8. That bldg is PERFECT! And, you'll be nearby(ish) so I can roadtrip down from VA! Sending good vibes and much luck!

  9. How exciting! The building is so cute and perfect. Let the fun begin!

  10. Wow what fabulous news! I am so happy for you - I cannot wait to see the photos :-)

    Bon week-end a toi,


  11. Theresa, I am SOOOO excited for you, I would be excited too!!! I only wish I could make my way up to your area to check it out (with my checkbook :) )when you open!! Can't wait to see more, i get all sorts of great ideas from you!!
    xx devon

  12. Congrats, Theresa, what great news!!! The building looks adorable... Can't wait to see it with your magic touch!!

  13. Congratulations on your purchase and your decision to move forward with this. I think that is absolutely wonderful. You have to take some risks in life sometimes. Can't wait to follow you to see how it goes.

  14. OH CONGRATS!!!!
    How exciting for you.
    the building is adorable and I know you will make it look even better with your own stamp.
    I wish you the best of luck.
    I think that if you have the right stuff it doesn't matter what the economy is like, people will find a way to buy it.

  15. This is such amazing news, Theresa! I'm SO excited for you - I think it's going to be fabulous! I love the place you chose and can't wait to see what it looks like after you've made it your own!!! Can't wait to see tons of photos!

  16. OMG Theresa!!! I am soooo excited for you and your daughter!!WHat fun you are going to have. Lots of work but well worth it. And that building is too adorable:) A perfect fit for your style. I can't wait to see more photos and hear all about it. What wonderful news!!!!!!!!!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  17. I love the looks of that building...perfect for you!!
    I am looking forward to hearing about your adventures there!!

  18. Oh, I'm soooo excited for you Theresa!!! The building has great bones and with all your fab stuff inside, who could resist. Maybe even I could make it over your way some day:-)

    Can't wait to see what you do with the place.

    Enjoy your holiday weekend.


  19. Photos! Yeah! I was trying to picture the store front when we talked, but now I have a visual when you talk about the shop.
    If I could, I would be first in line the day you opened and I'd be leading the cheer "Open Open Open!"
    I am thrilled for you. I know it will be amazing! Look what you already do with a mere 5x10.

    You are going to be so busy but please remember that bunches of us are waiting to see the process as you proceed. Please let us tag along on your adventure..In other please :D

    Congratulations again girlfriend!

  20. What a gorgeous old building. My booth is in an old bank and it is very quaint inside - I love it.

    I hope that this venture will be fun and prosperous for you and your daughter.

    Can't wait to see it filled to the brim with all of your amazing things.


  21. Your space at the mall is fantastic! I wish you the best with your new store and that even with hard times you do good! Blessings!
    XXX Ido

  22. great news! where is it located, theresa? i'll come see you when you open.

  23. That is SO great Theresa - I so happy for you. How exciting. I´m sure your shop will look wonderful and be a great succes. Wish I would be able to visit.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    xo Tina

  24. Congrats to you!!! Ships are safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for, right? Words to live by! You will do great - only wish I lived closer!!!

    Kelly Aaron

  25. Congratulations! That building looks absolutely darling! Have a wonderful time!

  26. SHUT.UP!!!!! This is SO exciting and SO UTTERLY PERFECT for you!!! It is going to be a smashing success! I KNOW it is!!!

    Girl, I may have to take me a road trip your way!!!

    Can't wait to see it when you are done with it! I know it will be so gorgeous!

    Lou Cinda :)

  27. I just did the happy squeal!!! And NOW I'm doing the happy dance!!! I am sooooooooooooooooo excited for you and your daughter!!! You KNOW you're going to be a destination - and your going on my "must go here immediately" map!!!

    Whoo Hoo!!! Congratulations!!!
    ;-D robelyn

  28. This is exciting news! What a cute store front. Perfect for your new shop. I can't wait to watch you set things up.

  29. Congratulations sweet girl! I am so happy for you and know that you will do well!!!!!

  30. Your little mall spot is very sweet but I am in love with your little shop! She is going to be a beauty and I can't wait to see what you do with her! Do you have the name picked out-or is it Time Worn Interiors? Congratulations! xo Diana


    OMG...I'm sooooo excited for you, the building is darling and I know how adorable and TRENDY it will be once you work your magic on it and to do it with your daughter, what fun!

    This may just get my butt to Kentucky...get that blow-up bed ready and the margaritas...ha!


    sista nut word verification is "TRAVEL" way...IT'S A SIGN!!!

  32. Congratulations Theresa! I've been visiting Glendale for years just to come to your booth at the barn! It's always so fabulous. I can't wait to see your new shop. I'm sure it will be a huge success! Best wishes for your new venture!

  33. Oh TOT! How very exciting! That building is GORGEOUS! truly...I would walk through those doors NOW and I can only imagine what your creative mind and hands will do with it! Bonne chance mon amie! Bonne chance!!

  34. Congratulations ! It will make a great shop !Good Luck !

  35. So exciting! Can't wait to see it take shape! We want to see lots and lots of photos! :)

  36. Hey only get to go around once so why not do it with style and by style I mean TWI by TOT!
    Huge congratulations and anything I can do to help...even if by long distance...just let me know.

  37. Such great news!
    Love the building, that will be one fabulous shop once you've furnished and arranged it!
    Oh I so wish I could come to the opening and I'm so excited for you! And how nice that you'll be doing this together with your daughter!
    Congrats Theresa and I wish you all the luck!!!
    xoxo~ Carola

  38. That little building just ooozes charm, wishing you all the very best of luck with this exciting venture - they say that luck favours the brave so good on you for going for it.

  39. How exciting! I know that even though the economy is pretty bad where I am...the sales keep coming through. With your will be wonderful!
    Loved your post below...God is so good to meet our needs..there have been many a day when I have set out to go junkin' and prayed to be led to where I need to's so competitive out there (I do NOT like this part)...and I've yet to run out of inventory!
    Have a great weekend!

  40. Congrats!! your building looks sooo beautiful, and i know the inside will be magical when you are ready to open...if i didnt live in the UK then i would def come and visit :)Good luck and happiness xxx

  41. Fantastic! I would love to plan a trip next year to see you and your new adventure. Best of luck You will do GREAT!!! Jary@Jarden Designs

  42. The new small space looks great. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the new shop. Best of luck!

  43. It's going to be beautiful, I already know! Best of luck.

  44. Miss T, I am soooo excited for you and can't wait to see the pix. You will make it look stunning-I just know it. You've got a lot to work with-what an adorable building. Did you settle on a name yet?


  45. I love that shop. The last time I was in she was telling me she was moving. She's a sweet lady.

    Congrats on your shop ! I'll definitely be visiting. I'm in Louisville but I love to go to Glendale.

  46. ToT,
    Whoopie!~! I am so excited for you & your daughter. I have no doubt in my mind tha this shop will be a destination stop in town & soon we will see it featured in magazines. I hope I get to stop by & spend some money there soon.

  47. Oh Theresa, I'm so excited for you, I know it will be wonderful, and of course we need to see photos every step of the way!! I'll be praying for you, sometimes blessings come at unsuspected times.
    lots of hugs, Debra

  48. I'm so late in coming to congratulate you. Typing from my phone so excuse the typos.
    I know u are going to make a mad success of the space.....look what you are doing with only 5x10.
    The building is soooo you.

    I have to confess I did have a heads up to what u were pl,anning from a comment u left on peacock designs bad


  49. I love the look of your building. Those benchs are nice. Can't wait to see when you get set-up. I wish you and your daughter the very best. Smiles, Susie

  50. How exciting and congratulations! You booth makes my heart thump too!

    Hope you will join Potpourri Friday next week. The first party is a terrific success!

  51. OMG!! What an awesome chance. This is a terrific building. Good luck!!!


  52. Soooooo EXCITED FOR YOU!!! The building is AwEsoMe!!! Can't wait to SEE what develops...
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  53. Oh Tot I am sooooo happy and excited for you! I know they will droves!! Have lots of fun ~ can't wait for some sneak peeks!

  54. How exciting Tot! Please show us lots of pictures. I don't know why my heart skips a beat when I see good junk and shabbied furniture. Your booth is wonderful!
    I'm getting ready to do our first Flea Market show in a couple months.
    Good luck with your new adventure!

  55. im so excited for you! what a cute building! wishing you only the best!!

  56. Good for you! If you do what you love, the rest will fall into place!
    Blessings for much success!
    ~ Hugs,

  57. OH MY GOSH! I am SOOOOOO excited for you! This kinda makes us soul sisters, you know. I have an old bank building that is opening soon-so do you! I am working with my daughter- you too! I am tired of show and road trips- so are you! Hey, have you had a hysterectomy lately :)? WOO HOO!! The building is adorable and I know it will be a hit. We will definitely stop in when we go through. I'll have to get the address. Blessings to you in your new adventure, I know you will have a blast!

  58. What a great building to put down your junkin' roots!
    Make sure and post an address so we can ALL come to visit!!

  59. The building looks perfect for selling vintage and collectibles. Looking forward to your future posts as you set everything up and start your new business. Congratulations.
    - Joy

  60. OMG!!! How fantastic is THIS!!!!! You are going to do fabulous! AND THAT BUILDING is PERFECT!
    I am sooooooo excited for you!
    Congrats my friend!

  61. This sounds very exciting. The building looks perfect from the outside. Can't wait to see more!

  62. Just catching up on my blog reading! WOW! congrats! I think your shoppe will be so charming! It is adorable!
    xo~ Michelle

  63. YOU GO GIRL!!! I am so excited for you. I just checked back in and saw your exciting news. Sorry to have been out of touch. It has been two months since I stopped doing the shows...trying to recoop and regroup. No you are not crazy. Follow your heart. I agree that if you sell what you love, they will come!


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.