Saturday, August 27, 2011

Meet The Girls

All dressed up in their finest for opening day of Marburger, Sept. 27th.
I love mannequins!
I've been selling them ever since we started our business way back when!
I love the way they look in a booth!
I'm really excited about the show.
We've been working our fingers to the bone.
God is so good to us!
It's amazing how you always get exactly what you need!
We were a little low on inventory, but I was very thankful for what we had,
I didn't even ask for more!
But.......guess what?
More is what we got!
Some amazing things have come our way in the last couple of days!

The girls would love to see you at the greatest show on earth!

Can't wait to see you guys there!
Oh, I almost forgot,
I'll be attending a luncheon at Rachel Ashwells ranch
to celebrate the opening of her new store there on the ranch!
Looking forward to that for sure!

I'm linking up to Faded Charm for White Wednesday!
I know these girls aren't white, but they would look great in a white room!


  1. I wish I lived closer! I've been looking for one like that!!! Those are great!

  2. Your girls are great, Theresa:) Good luck and have fun at the Ranch:)See you September?
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. These are just wonderful TOGETHER! I'm so glad you had some good fortune come your way. Wish I could be there for the show!

  4. I've been searching for one of these for a long time. I wish I could go to Marburger and buy one!!!

  5. Here's a thought--you could take a little detour to Kansas on your way home..............

    How much do they sell for?

  6. Now that is a particularly attractive group of girls! They will find good homes I am sure. :)

  7. Oh I hope the heat breaks for ya'll
    I would love to be down there for the sale.
    Have fun at the luncheon.
    I know you will have fab pictures of it all.

  8. You are killin' me!! Five, five, five wonderful girls! So wish I could come to TX. Have fun!


  9. Some Gorgeous girls there!! I too love mannequins!!! Thanks for sharing and good luck in Texas!!

  10. I am so happy for you! You deserve all of the wonderful things coming your go kick some behind and have an AMAZING show!!!!!

  11. Those girls are wonderful! Have a great time and hope you share photos from Rachels ranch!

  12. Be still my heart!! Love the girls!! It will be the greatest show on earth! Take lots of pics.

  13. The girls are hot to trot, love their tattoos!!!

    Sometimes it's the little miracles that make life so worth getting invited to Rachel's opening...LUCKY GIRL!!! Do you think she'll have her new book available...take lots of pictures...K!!!

  14. They are beautiful girls!!! Love their numbers so cute!
    Have fun at the luncheon and sell SEll SELL!

  15. I'm lovin' your girls! They look so great grouped together. I would love to see Rachel's new place. I was starring at the pixs awhile back. She bought a bunch of stuff from us to decorate it with and I was trying to see if I recognized any of the pieces. Have fun and I hope its not too hot!!!

    Take care, Sue

  16. "the girls" can just make their way to MY home any day!! oh and..sooo jealous about the ashwell luncheon!!

  17. Oh TOT! I love those girls...they are so much perkier than my own girls!;>) I hope you have a wonderful show and a wonderful luncheon! xo Diana

  18. Marburger or bust, lol:) T, those girls are gorgeous...can you see my green? I wish you were coming to Brim instead-I'd be buying one of them for sure! Did you get my order for (metal) flowers? I need 4 more-the one I bought from you in July looks great in my garden!
    Good luck in Texas-I know you'll do well.

  19. The girls are GORGEOUS! Love them. Hope the show goes well. Read somewhere your mom had surgery this past week. I hope she is doing well.

  20. These girls are wonderful. I love them all grouped together, their gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful show, and if I get to come this year I will look you up!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  21. The girls are lovely!! I have only one girl.
    You are a lucky girl going to Rachel Ashwells ranch for lunch..I'm jealous!

  22. Wow!! Like everyone else I am
    in love with your dress forms!!!
    Have a great show!! Can't wait for pics!!

  23. I'd give anything to see you and those girls at the show Theresa. I'm so glad to hear that you have been blessed with some great new inventory.
    I know you will have an awesome time at the ranch!!!
    sending hugs...

  24. LOVE the girls!! My girlfriend Sharon and I actually mapquested how far it is from us to was about 15 hours....we are pondering....we want to come SO BAD!!!

    And RACHEL ASHWELL!!!!????? Awesome!!!!!!

    Lou Cinda

  25. You'll be the star of the show with that gorgeous line-up of junk-ette mannequins!!
    You are the star of the show no matter what you bring with your amazing TALENT, girl!! Hope it's super fabulous!! (LOVED your adorably sweet grand baby pictures!!)

  26. Those are some pretty girls!! Your booth at Marburger I know will look fabulous, can't wait to see you!

  27. Dress forms are my obsession!! I wish I could attend the show, a few of these might have come home with me! :)
    Love the photos and I hope you have a fabulous time!

  28. Oh My Gosh! Would love to take home one of your girls!!! Wish I could head to Texas!!! Love it!

    Kris Lanae Binsfeld

  29. Tot,
    Those are some foxy ladies! I'm surprised there are still awesome mannequins like that around. I never see cool ones like that. I know your booth will be amazing, have fun!

  30. That's a whole houseful of ladies!

    Hope you will bring one of your projects to my first Potpourri Friday Party this week - Friday, September 2. Link-up starts on Thursday afternoon. Without a doubt, your participation will help make the party better!

  31. Hi Theresa,
    These are totally fabulous!!! I just took pics of my collection too to post soon!!! (We must think alike.)
    Yours are completely amazing.

  32. What beauties! Have a safe trip and a wonderful time.


  33. Anytime you and Mr. Smith need a little rest on the gulf coast, you send me a line and I will set you up. Looking forward to seeing you in Texas!

  34. Just came across your blog. Love it! Thanks for sharing!

  35. What a great collection of Vintage Mannequins! *swooning* And what a lucky Gal you are to be invited to Ms. Ashwell's, I'm so envious! *winks* Wish I could make it out to Marburger for the Fall Show... but alas, it's still on my 'bucket list'. *Le Sigh*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  36. Beautiful girls!awesome!

  37. These dress forms are breathtaking! I wish I lived closer and could be there!

    Greetings from Germany

  38. What a beautiful bunch of girls!
    Sending hugs and blessings your way for a safe trip and fabulous show!
    Have fun at the Ranch and look forward to hearing the details!

  39. Thanks for stopping by Tot. I love the girls also. Have a great time at the Ranch looking forward to hearing about it. Hugs Mary

  40. Wow Theresa! The girls are gorgeous!! And God does provide so wonderfully for His children!!

    How delightful that you get to go Rachel's ranch...too much fun!!
    Wish I could be in the back seat riding to Marburger with you!!

    Can't wait to see and hear all about it!!

    Have a lovely evening!

  41. I Hope you have you Fun! I would love to be there, and buy everything !!! Love the girls by the way

  42. so jealous...her ranch? You ROCK! Thanks for entering the giveaway...

  43. Hi Tot,
    I love, love your mannequins. I can never find any here. I know . . . I should go to Marburger . . . but it's a little far :). These ladies are a gorgeous addition to your booth. I look forward to seeing the pics of your space. Congrats on the invite to Rachel Ashwell's luncheon. What a great opportunity. Enjoy!
    ~ Julie

  44. Oh my is it that time again? When is Roundtop? I thought it was in October. I guess I won't be making the trip and I so wanted to go this fall.
    I love the ladies!!! They look awesome.
    When are you leaving?
    You will do fantastic and have so much fun doing it.
    Blessings my friend

  45. Hey girl, got your comment on my blog. Thanks for checking it out. The shop has been doing great! I am so happy we decided to open. We have a great group of dealers. You should come see us some time. We are going to Texas but not to set up - just shop and hang out with Deb & Cat Daddy. We are going really early, Sept. 18 (you have to now to get anything) - and had planned on leaving just after Zapp sets up. But, now Cat Daddy's B'day is on Sat. so we might have to hang around for that and then take off. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll. I'll do the same. Have a good show.

  46. Hi - so glad I found you! I'm new to blogging, and enjoying snooping around. I'll keep up 'cause I'm going to follow you!
    Revi at

  47. LOVE the girls, I would take them all home if I lived closer.


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