Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dish Towels at Target!

Are you kidding me?
I just about had a heart attack when I seen these towels at TARGET!
They look like grain sacks, they even feel a little like a grain sack.
And the stencils are perfect!
Only $3.99 each!!
I bought 6, well that's all they had.
I love Target!

These towels were not with the rest of the towels,

they were in an isle by the main drag.


  1. wish i had time to leave a comment but i'm off to TARGET! ;)

  2. I am headed that way as fast as I can.

  3. These are awesome. I'll have to run right out to Target!

  4. I saw these a couple weeks ago on another blog and did NOT find any at the Target I went to. Athough I didn't look in the main aisle. :)

  5. ON the news this evening:

    A strange mob of women descended on Targets across the country, charging through the doors, knocking small children and clerks to the floor.
    Not since Teddy Ruxpin has such a crazed group of femininity been known to do a "mob shop".

    It's all your fault : D

  6. Hi...I found and bought (only one) of these last week at target..thought they were great. Guess I need to go back and get some more b/f the rest of Orlando does! lol...Linda

  7. I looked at two Targets this week, without finding them. After reading this, I called one back. As the story goes: she doesn't know and asked for a stock number. I was able to enlarge your picture and read it to her, she checked the computer & voila they had them. She is holding them for me!! Thanks!

    Hope you will linkup to the Potpourri Friday party this week! The first one last week was a big success!

  8. Would love to get to target but it's pouring rain here and I'm staying off the roads for right now. . . But later. . .I'm gone! Thanks for the heads up. I am now your newest follower. Love your blog.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  9. Last time I saw these posted I had to drop everythng and go get some. They were OUT!!!#@~*&^% I have to go try again.

  10. Well Target is french so that makes sense! pretty cool

  11. oh, dang!!! My nearest Target is 80 miles away!!!! I looked at their website but no got! :-(

  12. I think I need to head to Target! How cute! xo Diana

  13. I ran out to get them and our Target has sold out! Dad gum!
    I am going to start watching for them to reload!
    I am so excited they will be so cool in the cottage!
    Have a great rest of the week!

  14. No way...I can't believe it, a Target, too bad all we have is a Walmart...BORRRRING...!


  15. I bought just one. Now I'm wishing I had purchased more as my Target is now out of them. Well at least I have my one.

  16. What's a girl to do on ANOTHER rainy day...I'm going to Target!

  17. My Target had one left. I made a pillow cover out of it. But then I called another Target across the River and they had 6 with the words and 6 with just the stripes. Sooo I am making a curtain for my under the sink cabinet and a valance for my kitchen window. I will have a couple left if anyone wants one.

  18. hope Target has some left by the time I get to one! The nearest one to me is 160 miles away! these are great!

  19. Girl...I got those towels.....all I could find in the two closet counties! Thank ya Gal for sharing your secret, I gave you a junkin shout out on my latest post about them, have a great weekend! Hugs, word verification for this comment"subutfun" LOL

  20. How about Maison 211

    I'm Maria Marks

  21. Love these towels!!! I hope I can still get some.
    Thanks for sharing about them.
    ~ Julie


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