Saturday, January 8, 2011

French Table and Chairs For RV!

I finally got my table and chairs put in the RV today and I LOVE THEM! I have two more chairs without arms, but Craigsmith ran out of plywood to cut bottoms for them! Two chairs is all we will need for this trip anyway! I didn't take the time to do a vignette cause we had temps in the single digits today!

I'm very disappointed in my new camera! When I went out and took pictures they were very fuzzy, don't know if this is because it is so cold and I shook the camera or if I just need more practice! I took my old Sony Cyber Shot out and got these pictures, way better than the one with the Nikon! Go figure!

 I planned on getting black rubber feet for the table,
but Home Depot didn't have any!
I'll try when I get back home!

I feel like this table is perfect! I can turn it long ways on the wall if I need more room, or I can take it outdoors if we need a table out there! I've loved this table ever since I bought it, just didn't know what to do with it! I had these chairs ready for the Oct. show at Marburger, but loved them so much I couldn't part with them! I know, it's dumb! But now I'm so glad I kept them!

I will be putting some kind of art on the walls, but I have to wait for warmer weather. And I need to figure out something without glass or a frame! I think I will do something on a poster board and velcro it to the wall! Or some kind of banner would be nice if I could find something I liked! Got any ideas? I'm all ears!

Don't forget we will be heading to Texas in a few days for a show at Red Barn, Jan. 15th & 16th! If your anywhere in the area be sure to come out and see us! I can't wait!


  1. Your home on wheels is shaping up so totally cool!!! The table and chairs are nice to be able to shop at home!! Enjoy your trip!

  2. I just love what you are doing with your little home away from home. The table and chairs are perfect!

  3. Theresa, wow, this is wonderful! Love the changes you've made. That lacy bedroom is just gorgeous! Lucky you, to have a "home away from home"!

  4. It looks great! And I LOVE your floor too! I can only imagine how gorgeous you are going to make that little home on wheels:)Can't wait to see more photos:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  5. Your little table and chairs look wonderful! What a cute area! Have fun at the Red Barn sale, sell lots!

  6. LOVE your French metal folding table, Theresa! That is one stylish home on wheels you have there.

  7. Wow! Nice home on wheels! You have done a great job of fixing it up.
    You will be traveling in style. :D
    Cold here also and expecting snow tomorrow.:(
    Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Theresa- I think just for fun I will post the before pictures of OUR (hahaha)Pearl (the 1976 GMC motor home and then use yours for the after....because that is what OUR motor home wants to be when it grows up!

    It is looking fabulouse, it...and that table is not only lovely to look at-it is practical.

    Hope you post from the road when you head out! Hugs-Diana

  9. Love your table and chairs! I could really see some unmounted frenchy art or travel posters hung up, or some of your fabulous collage work tacked up.

  10. Girl, you are really sassin that RV up, aren't you? I love it!

  11. Hi. This looks great! It's nice that it is so versatile! And it folds up?! A great table for the RV. I've got fuzzy pics from my Nikon too; I think it's when there isn't enough light. [These are amazing shots with your old camera.] There are some adjustments you can make in the settings. Have fun on your trip! How about a french style print or pic for the wall if you're going French, Paris chic . . .
    Have a great weekend!
    ~ Julie

  12. Your traveling home is looking so cozy! How about some collage art with a foam core base? Very light and you could attach with those new 3M picture hanging strips. They hold well and pull away from the wall when you are done without leaving any sticky stuff behind. Have safe travel and a wonderful show!

  13. Your table and chairs looks so pretty... love what you've done with your home away from home! We used to have a motor home, and I had a little black French table and chairs in the kitchen area and put my antique leopard chair in it too, and when my husband sold our motor home he let my antiques go with it... I was more than a little upset with him! I hope you have a wonderful sale at the Red Barn, I had planned to come but something else has come up that weekend that I need to be home for, hope to see you at the Spring or Fall show at Warrington!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  14. Hello! Nice to meet you and thanks for the visit to my blog.I am now a follower of your blog too.

    The table is awesome and looks great in there.~Cheers Kim

  15. Hello! Nice to meet you and thanks for the visit to my blog.I am now a new follower to yours.

    I love the table and it looks great in there.~Cheers Kim

  16. Love the table and chairs and I'll bet a little black spray paint will do the trick for those white rubber feet.

  17. this table is perfect, especially to be moved outside whenever you want. Won't it be fun to come back to this after your shows instead of a motel room?

    I've been looking for inspiration to simplify and renew some areas in my house and remembered your videos from when you did the photo shoot with Country Living. I watched them again last night and was very inspired. I love your house and everything you have in it.

    Good luck in Texas.


  18. Theresa, this is the best looking rv I have ever seen! I was looking at your previous post too and I love how you have spruced it up and turned it into a little cottage on wheels!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me such a nice comment!

  19. I am so impressed with the way you're making this trailer your own!! I would never have thought to do this, but they look so good!

  20. that trailer-talk for looks fabulous, you know we're all green with envy!!!


  21. Wow, Theresa... you're RV is going to be very chic by the time you get done with it! You'll be traveling in style for sure!
    Have a wonderful week!
    ~ Jo :)

  22. Hey Theresa, just wanted to let you know that Your Package is On It's Way... Not sure when your leaving, it may or May not be there before you leave, but will certainly be waiting for you when you return - I shipped it today & it says 2 days.
    Have a Wonderful Trip....

  23. While sitting in traffic - snow traffic today, I was thinking you should approach some of these RV companies!!! Ha
    How fun would that be!! You could design a new line of trailers!

  24. Hi Theresa, This is the classiest trailer I've ever seen!! Have a great time on your trip!! Julie

  25. Perfect! The fit, the style. It's so you! And versatile. I love it! ~Mindy

  26. Hi Theresa! Your french bistro is looking perfect in your RV. You have the prettiest RV interior I've ever seen. Amazing!

    Please stop by when you get a chance, I'm having a giveaway in my blog this week.

  27. Perfect! Just perfect! And versatile too! There was a reason you kept those chairs, you just didn't know it at the time!

    Love it!

    Wishing you warmer weather in Texas!!

    Lou Cinda

  28. I can't believe that's the interior of a travel trailer-great job! Hope all is well in Texas and you're keeping warm (perhaps having tea at your bistro table with fancy schmancy chairs tee hee!)!

    :) Rhonda Roo

  29. Oh I just love your table and no wonder you kept to gorgeous chairs. It looks so versatile for you to us in you RV.
    Hope you had a great show this past weekend. I wish I lived closer to see your goodies.

  30. Loving how those chairs have that old world charm! They're lovely! Have a gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  31. Hey Girl
    Wish I could have joined you!
    I hope you have a great show... it looks like a good one, if it is anything like the one I was at last spring. Found the best old seam binding and French linen there.
    Love those chairs! It will look like home in no time with all your wonderful touches.
    Blessings to you

  32. adorable! can't wait to see it as you embellish! so good to see you at the Barn! it's like a *bonus* not having to wait til Marburger!


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