Sunday, October 31, 2010

Long Time Friends!

In this business you have the opportunity to meet some the best people in the world! Especially when they are dealers! This is my long time friend Gloria Hill and below with Craig, her hubby Ted.

One night 16 years ago at dusk, I hear a knock at the front door, standing outside was a very energetic Gloria Hill from California! She was looking for shabby furniture! Guess what? Just so happens I had some! I was very happy to sell to her and she was happy to buy! Every time they came to Kentucky she would call and "say do you have anything I want", and if I did she would come over and buy from me.

When Craig and I started in the show business about 10 years ago I didn't have as much for her to buy, and she stopped coming, but we've remained friends. I see her at the big shows in Texas and Brimfield and it makes me happy every time I see her! Gloria and Ted are some of the hardest working people I know!

Go visit Gloria and Ted at
to see their goods!

Happy Sunday!


  1. Shabbytown USA! It's tatooed on my brain. Love them to pieces!

  2. Gloria's site is I mentioned her in my very first blog post along with you of course. Hope you having a great weekend, T

  3. True friends are the best friends....lucky you to have such good ones!!! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and leave a comment...I've been a very bad "comment leaver" lately, crazy busy here in NJ. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods....Happy Halloween

  4. Hi Theresa- A nice post...I am going to head over to Shabbytown, USA to check them out! Thanks for the info on them. Diana

  5. Oh my gosh Theresa....So that's what the LOVELY Gloria looks like....hahahaha....I've been a BIG admirer for MANY years of Gloria & Shabby Town USA through Ebay....I've LUSTED over MANY items, bid on a few but never managed to win anything as her items are so in demand....!

    It's NICE to finally be able to put 'a face to a name'....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.