Sunday, October 31, 2010

Long Time Friends!

In this business you have the opportunity to meet some the best people in the world! Especially when they are dealers! This is my long time friend Gloria Hill and below with Craig, her hubby Ted.

One night 16 years ago at dusk, I hear a knock at the front door, standing outside was a very energetic Gloria Hill from California! She was looking for shabby furniture! Guess what? Just so happens I had some! I was very happy to sell to her and she was happy to buy! Every time they came to Kentucky she would call and "say do you have anything I want", and if I did she would come over and buy from me.

When Craig and I started in the show business about 10 years ago I didn't have as much for her to buy, and she stopped coming, but we've remained friends. I see her at the big shows in Texas and Brimfield and it makes me happy every time I see her! Gloria and Ted are some of the hardest working people I know!

Go visit Gloria and Ted at
to see their goods!

Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leftover Fall 2010

When we are in Texas I always look forward to going to Leftovers to see their wonderful displays! I'm here to tell you I have never been disappointed! These guys have the magic touch and tons of fabulous inventory to work with! I usually walk around with my mouth hanging open the whole time! Good thing there aren't any bugs there! LOL! Hope you guys enjoy the tour! No words are needed to see why I love this place!


Friday, October 22, 2010

In Honor of Me?

Isn't this the cutest face you've ever seen!

While we were in Texas, Theresa Cano hosted a blog party, just as she does every show! She ask if everyone would bring a dish to the party, but she ask us to create a serving dish from junk! This was a hoot!

As soon as I walked up to the party I met a group of bloggers that I'd never seen before! You see, that's what's so much fun about this party! The first one to speak up was
Lisa of Tarnished and Tattered! And there where 4 others in her group, but forgive I am terrible with names! I do remember one of the bloggers was Karla of Karla's Cottage.

Anyway! Lisa said they all wanted to meet me and they were very sweet. Then Lisa speaks up and says, I made my dish in honor of you! Are you serious! I knew it had to have something to do with a doll head!( Anyone who knows me, knows I love doll heads and parts!) Sure enough she pull this fabulous serving dish out of her bag and I nearly lost my mind! I was so excited about the dish I couldn't even think about visiting with anyone else! I told her I wanted first chance at the dish if she was willing to part with it! I would have been happy to pay her for it! But sweetheart that she is, generously gave me the plate! It is now one of my most treasured belongings! Thank you so much Lisa!

aka: TOT
P.S. Check out Lisa's Sept. 30th post!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Her First Post!

My dear friend
is having a giveaway to celebrate her first post on Oct. 17, 2006! Wow! That's 4 years ago! She tells a wonderful story about how she started blogging and who inspired her. She also tells the story about how we first met! I can't believe it's been 4 years, time passes so fast.

Theresa's Booth

You see, Theresa is the one that inspired me to start blogging! I had never heard of such a thing and unlike her I didn't know very much about computers! Oh, I knew how to turn them on!

After I figured out how to read blogs I decided I wanted one to! Not that easy! We live in a very rural place and I had Windstream for my Internet service! Well I managed to do a post on June 13th, 2007 and that was it! My computer just wound not cooperate, so I bought a new one! Not the problem! Found out it was my Internet provider! For 4 long agonizing months I had to wait until my contract with Windstream was up so I could get Comcast to provide my service. During this time Theresa and I would talk on the phone and she would ask me why haven't you posted! Of course I couldn't!

Finally on November 25, 2007, I got Comcast and a blog was born! I must say that blogging is one of my favorite things to do. I don't post often and I don't always comment, but you better believe I am out there surfing as much as time will permit! Yes, I said time! It is very time consuming to read blog after blog, but it is very satisfying!

Theresa still inspires me to this very day! She calls me on the phone and says did you see that blog, or somebody has pictures of your house on their blog! That girl gets around! LOL!

If you haven't already done it, go on over to Theresa blog and get your name in the pot for a wonderful prize!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What Makes Us Fall In Love?

With that perfect piece of furniture!

Is it the precise cut
scalloped board on the top?

Is it the use of discarded pieces of material?

Is it the need for a certain size?

Is it the crusty, crackled wonderfulness?

Is it the use of wood and metal?

Is it a wonderful odd pull?

Is it the use of
a different latch on every single door?

Or how about the use of
three different sets of hinges?

Or is it the fact that we know
some handsome man made this piece with pride
for his lovely wife to fulfill all her needs?
What ever the reason,
I love the rush I get when my eyes fall on that perfect piece!
My heart begins to race,
my face starts to get red and flush.
And my head actually starts to spin!
You know the very minute
that the perfect piece presents itself to you.
You know that whatever you have to do
to own that piece, on matter what, it's coming home with you!
Beg, borrow, or steal (not really), but you know what I mean!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Some of my favs at Marburger

J. Hill Designs

J. Hill Designs

J. Hill Designs

Terri~Tent A

Terri~Tent A

Terri~Tent A

Georgia Morel

Georgia Morel

Georgia Morel

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

Lauri Evans Designs

Lauri Evans Designs

Lauri Evans Designs
As you all know, Marburger is my favorite show on earth! We have some of the most talented decorators in the business! The first time I ever visited Marburger, it was a jaw dropping experience! I made up my mind right then and there that was where I wanted to be set up! Wonderful displays feed my soul and I never get tired of looking at them! Hope you've enjoyed looking as well!
French Vanilla is not included because they didn't make it to Marburger this time! I really missed them! Hope they are back in the spring!
