Thursday, October 21, 2010

Her First Post!

My dear friend
is having a giveaway to celebrate her first post on Oct. 17, 2006! Wow! That's 4 years ago! She tells a wonderful story about how she started blogging and who inspired her. She also tells the story about how we first met! I can't believe it's been 4 years, time passes so fast.

Theresa's Booth

You see, Theresa is the one that inspired me to start blogging! I had never heard of such a thing and unlike her I didn't know very much about computers! Oh, I knew how to turn them on!

After I figured out how to read blogs I decided I wanted one to! Not that easy! We live in a very rural place and I had Windstream for my Internet service! Well I managed to do a post on June 13th, 2007 and that was it! My computer just wound not cooperate, so I bought a new one! Not the problem! Found out it was my Internet provider! For 4 long agonizing months I had to wait until my contract with Windstream was up so I could get Comcast to provide my service. During this time Theresa and I would talk on the phone and she would ask me why haven't you posted! Of course I couldn't!

Finally on November 25, 2007, I got Comcast and a blog was born! I must say that blogging is one of my favorite things to do. I don't post often and I don't always comment, but you better believe I am out there surfing as much as time will permit! Yes, I said time! It is very time consuming to read blog after blog, but it is very satisfying!

Theresa still inspires me to this very day! She calls me on the phone and says did you see that blog, or somebody has pictures of your house on their blog! That girl gets around! LOL!

If you haven't already done it, go on over to Theresa blog and get your name in the pot for a wonderful prize!



  1. Okay Tot...
    Speaking of SWEET, I still need your mailing address girlie!
    You have some pepper jelly coming your way and if I don't hear from you soon, you are going to make me eat it all by myself! (and you don't want the blame for me gaining 10 more you?)
    You can email me at

    I can't believe T's been blogging for 4 years! wow! She's inspired so many people...she's amazing, JUST LIKE YOU!!!!!!

  2. You make me laugh girl, even when we got lost!! Ready for a another road trip? Wish we lived closer to each other. Thanks for posting about my giveaway and boy do I remember the comcast days...

  3. Thanks for the post...I am heading to her blog now! Love, love, LOVE her booth! I think I could get lost in there for quite a while! ;o)


  4. Her booths looks so wonderful - will pop over and visit her asap.
    Thank you so much for sharing
    ~ Tina

  5. I remember the day you and SweetT strolled into my booth at Zapp! Y'all have no idea how much of an impact the two of you had on this chubby Texas lady.
    She's a blessing and so are you!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks for the heads up! I'm heading over there right now! I enjoy you gals so much. Maybe I'll meet up with you in Texas one of these days. :-)


  8. I remember when you were having so many computer problems, has it been that how time flies when you're havin' fun...wish I had more time to surf, but I keep fallin' asleep!


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.