Friday, November 8, 2013

Terri from East of LA, Fall Marburger

Terri has some of the most beautiful things at Marburger.
And her displays are awesome!
Makes me wanna get rid of everything I own and go glam!
Hope you enjoy her booth.

Fan be gone! Hahahaha


  1. Makes me think Frenchy Chic :):) How did that darn fan get in there? You maked me laugh. Hope you are doing well and have agreat weekend. xoxo,Susie

  2. FABULOUS pictures

    That is me on the inside all GLAM and on my outside just dusty old chippy furniture LOL

    I love that gold chest ,think i'll paint one of my chests gold
    thanks for sharing the gorgeous pictures

  3. Such a gorgeous style. I would love to be in the same room with some of this stuff!


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.