Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It is almost time!

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!
Be ready for the greatest show in Texas!
Marburger Farms has been our home away from home since 2005.
We have made some great friends in dealers and customers
while we've been set up there.
Hope you are making plans now to attend.
Check out Marburger Farms FB page:
These are old photos from the show at Marburger way back in 2010.

The shop will be open this weekend
Sept 13th & 14th
11am to 5pm


  1. I love, love, love the Bandy School sign!! Is it for sale? If it is, do you mind telling me how much? Thanks Tot!

    Take care,

  2. You can only get done what you can. No worries though, you are going to have an amazing show...I can feel it!

  3. Love these photos, Tot! I am sure your show will be amazing. xo Diana

  4. Maybe one day I'll meet up with you on the fields of Texas just like I did at Brimfield!
    Love these displays!!

  5. Oh you have all the right stuff! Wish I was there to shop this weekend. It was so nice getting your feedback on my redo. Best of luck with the big show!

  6. just strolling along through some of last 2 months posts.
    amazing, and wonderful. always love my visits here.

    be blessed


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.