Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Before and After

I promised I would show before and after pictures of the items we bring to the show.
Seems someone complained to show promoter that we bring NEW stuff to the show.
Well, I promise NOTHING we bring to Marburger is NEW!
We work our asses off trying to REINVENT each and every piece!
Now when we get done with it, it might look like new,  BUT it's not!
Sit back and enjoy the BEFORE and AFTER pictures of our treasures!

 after-this turned out to be my favorite piece!
 before-this is the date on the back of dresser! 7-41. As in 1941!
 before-white cart
 after-this is one of my favs!
 after-and get a load of all those lamps Craig created out of old junk! Awesome!
after-didn't get a before, no matter it's already gone. Do you like it Carla?
 after-some of the furniture grouped together.
 I love this cabinet, left it in it's original state.
 bringing a few white things this time.

This is the first time I've ever had multiples of the same pieces of furniture.
That's the way I found them!
Two dressers.
Two desks.
Two shelves.

Hope you've already made plans to attend the show.
I'll be at Marburger Farms
Tent H-Booth 17
See you there!


  1. wow, da sind wirklich schoene Stuecke bei ! Ich finde ja das vorher dunkelbraune Paar mit den Rollen unter ganz besonders toll!
    Hab viel Erfolg auf der Show - Jacqueline

  2. I have said it before and will say it again, you two are so talented!! That is sort of a complement to what you do if people think your items are new. You are just that good! Love everything you do. #1 fan here:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Talk about working your be-hinds off! Everything is so cool! I had to go back and study the pictures to try to figure out what was wood. Uh, there are a few wood pieces in there, aren't they? They looked like wood in the before pics. :-)

    Wish I could visit in person. Maybe someday.

  4. New.....Really??? I think you'd be hard pressed to find anything as cool as your stuff that is "NEW". Don't you just love ignorant people?

    Love everything you guys do:-) Hope you have a wonderful show!


  5. Oh the industrial carts and tables!

  6. Great things, and the lamps!!
    Love them!!

  7. WOW everything looks amazing!!What transformations! Wish I could be there to shop!

  8. You are just amazing and I love what Craig did with those old lamp parts!!! I hope you guys sell to the dirt as our friend says!
    Blessings my sweet

  9. OMG, you have some great treasures. I know they won't last long.
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  10. Really amazing T, everything looks great and you're going to have a wonderful show. Those matching dressers, were they wood? Metal? I've never seen anything like it. Spectacular!


  11. You definitely did a lot of work. It is all fabulous :)

  12. It is hard to believe it's all's so good! The doctor's office table turned into an island is genius. And I love the lamps. You two rock!

  13. Tot, Some of your things look like old medical office stuff. I love the afters. Great job. Hope you and your Mr. are doing well. Horton's is having a fall artisan's market this weekend. Wish you could be there. Smiles, Susie

  14. How do you do it? I'm guessing paint stripper but how do you manage not to scratch the metal? Please do tell!

  15. Great work, thank you for the pictures regards jürgen

  16. I drooled over your before and after photos. We are in the same business or repurposing what some of us would refer to as junk...and you do it beautifully!

  17. Wow! You have a bunch of great stuff. I love the lamps!

  18. oh i just love these! The stripped down versions are beautiful, nice job! t.xoxxo


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