I promised I would show before and after pictures of the items we bring to the show.
Seems someone complained to show promoter that we bring NEW stuff to the show.
Well, I promise NOTHING we bring to Marburger is NEW!
We work our asses off trying to REINVENT each and every piece!
Now when we get done with it, it might look like new, BUT it's not!
Sit back and enjoy the BEFORE and AFTER pictures of our treasures!
after-this turned out to be my favorite piece!
before-this is the date on the back of dresser! 7-41. As in 1941!
before-white cart
after-this is one of my favs!
after-and get a load of all those lamps Craig created out of old junk! Awesome!
after-didn't get a before, no matter it's already gone. Do you like it Carla?
after-some of the furniture grouped together.
I love this cabinet, left it in it's original state.
bringing a few white things this time.
This is the first time I've ever had multiples of the same pieces of furniture.
That's the way I found them!
Two dressers.
Two desks.
Two shelves.
Hope you've already made plans to attend the show.
I'll be at Marburger Farms
Tent H-Booth 17
See you there!