Monday, July 30, 2012

It's That Time Of Year

When the push is on to get ready for Marburger Farms!
I can't believe it's only 2 months away!
And these days I don't seem to be finding much time for blogging.
The shop is doing great and it's keeping me busy trying to keep it stocked full.
I'm not complaining.
I had one of my good cupboards in there that was going to Texas and it sold the other day! Yikes!
Craig has started the metal makeovers on the industrial furniture,
and today I'm gonna start going through all the tote's of smalls I'm been hoarding back.
Gotta get that stuff cleaned and priced.
I'm already getting excited about the the show, can you tell.
I'll try to do more blogging, so I can let you guys know whats going on.
Very soon when Craig gets some furniture finished I will be showing
the before and after pictures of his work.


  1. Theresa, Good luck with your big sale in Texas. Could not be any hotter there than it's been in Indiana this year:):) I think about how kind and fun you and your husband where while you were in Tipton.I am so please to have met you. Smiles, xo, Susie

  2. Glad to hear your business is doing so well. Sounds like you are going to be very busy.
    Have a great week.

  3. Have fun going through your treasures! I can't wait to see the industrial makeovers. Your last post was fabulous, your booth is always so wonderful! t.xoxoxox

  4. If what we're working on is any indication...I would recommend buying stock in polyurethane. We seem to be using it by the gallon!
    Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve.
    And you...can't wait to see you!

  5. Can't wait to SEE what you're bringing!*!*! Glad to hear the SHOP is doing well...
    Hugs - Jeanine Burkhardt

  6. Hey Girl!
    I always look forward to seeing what amazing things you will be bringing!
    Always awe inspiring!
    Hugs and much love~miss you bunches!

  7. How exciting! It's got to be like getting ready for Christmas...excpet you guys seem to be the busy elves! I'd love to see the furniture refinishing.

  8. I agree this has been a great season of selling but buying seems harder. The heat maybe? Will you be coming back to Hendersonville Tn, Vintage Market Place this fall?

  9. Hi Tot...glad to hear the shop is doing so well! I know you are busy but am glad you'll be giving us some sneak peeks!

  10. I can't wait to see you!!! And... I want that hand. LOLOLOL

    Get busy - why are you reading this?



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