Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Findings At Summerhouse

This was a small booth inside one of the buildings that I dearly loved!
Although it was small, it was packed with a ton of WOW!
JoAnna makes the jewelry and for the life of me I can't remember her mothers name!
I didn't meet JoAnna, she was at another show,
but I met her mom and she was a doll!
Both, mother and daughter are very talented!

Be still my heart!

Everything was perfect about this booth!

Love, love, love the use of boxes!
I love the way they tucked things neatly into each and every box!
I've always had a thing for boxes. 

The wonderful gal that owns this booth, JoAnna was on an episode of
The Nate Burkas show last week for House Proud.

You gotta go check it out!
Also, I think her house has been in Country Living.
Not 100% sure!


  1. Yummmmm girl, you ain't kidding! That's some good WOW! I love it all :)...hope you are doing so good Theresa ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  2. OMG. How did I miss them? There I was in my own booth at VM and had no idea they were there. Summerhouse is my all time favorite place. Every summer I eagerly await my trip back East and drag the family to her shop. I could stay there for hours and always come home with treasures. Drat and double drat. They were so close. I never really got out of my booth to look around at all. This has me bummed beyond belief.

  3. OMG. How did I miss them. I was stuck in my own VM booth all weekend and never really did get out to look around. Each year I eagerly await our trip back East so I can visit "my happy place" which is her store. I drag the entire family and spend ages wandering around. Always find tons of treasures. Her displays are amazing. Drat and double drat to have been so close and not known. Ah well, our trip to the shore is next month ...

  4. What a gorgeous booth.I would have gone nuts shopping there!

  5. Wow, thanks for sharing the great pictures and a new blog to check out. GREAT stuff, can't decide what I love best. A couple of summers ago Nate Berkus randomly showed up at my store. I was so nervous to have my pix taken with him because I've always admired him so much!! Great post.

    Take care, Sue

  6. This is a email I received.
    Looks like I posted it, just copied and pasted it.

    Hello there,

    I would have left a comment on your blog, but it didn't have an option that would work for me. I usually need a name/url or anonymous option. I'm not entirely sure why that is... maybe because I have a Wordpress blog and not blogger? I am not very technically savvy, so it may just be a problem with me. :)

    Anyway... I wanted to tell you that I am a big fan of yours, and I always head to your booth at Marburger! I have bought many, many great things from you. You have such a gift for displaying your wares as well as having great things to purchase. I have seen many booths that look great, but they have nothing I would want to take home with me. Never the case with you.

    I just read your blog post about Summerhouse. I saw them at the recent Country Living Fair in Austin, Texas. One of my favorite booths! I spent the most time there. So many wonderful things and beautifully displayed. I brought home several treasures from them. She was featured in Country Living... on the cover in fact.

    Thanks for sharing! Always a treat!


  7. I love that booth and would have a lot of fun poking around in there. It always amazes me how much can be packed into square footage! xo Diana

  8. Thank you so much for posting pictures of vendors from the show! I never took any and wanted to share with my customers so I am sending them all your way. Hope you are recuperating!!

  9. Hi Tot!
    I had the pleasure of being set up next to JoAnna at Lucketts Spring Market last weekend! While setting up, Mr.OTM and I left to grab some lunch and when we got back there was a pile of stuff that someone wanted to buy! That's how we met! We should have just traded stuff because I couldn't resist buying one of her bracelets. She was in fact on the cover of Country Living- The White Issue. Remember the fab wall of ironstone? That's her!
    Have a great day!

  10. OMG! I just watched the video. Her home is wonderful! You know my studio looks just like that! HaHa

  11. Hi T! It's always so nice of you to share pics from other booths! The Summerhouse booth looked so inviting. We know them from the C.Living shows...super cool people! I'm pretty sure Joanna's mom's name is Kathy, does that sound right? I get them mixed up for some reason.

  12. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing... I need to see more! t.xoxoox


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