Monday, March 19, 2012

Tons of spam?

Have you guys been getting tons of spam comments? Lately I'm getting 4 or 5 a day! Whats up with that? Several porn comments to :(! Thankfully I read my comments before they are published!

Attention: I will no longer allow anonymous comments.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


  1. I've been having the same problems!

  2. Mine seem to go right into my spam collector. Do you have your blog set up to catch the spam? Make sure you mark them as spam when you delete them...that way that particular computer won't be able to send you any more live comments- they will go directly to spam. It's too bad there are those idiots out there-xo Diana

  3. I'm so slow sometimes. I guess there is a reason I'm blonde! When I first started to read your post, I thought you were talking about eating a bunch of spam!! Maybe now is the time to tell my computer good night. I've been working too much. Sorry about all your computer spam!

    Take care,

  4. I decided to go & check my spam folder to see if I had any ~ a Whooping 55, good thing they were stopped & not published! Thanks for the reminder...

  5. nope not me..Maybe 1-2 a week but I have it set at approval cause I detest the word verify thing, so they don't get through..but no porn...
    let's face it..blogger is hit and miss lately

  6. ok just checked my spam folder 47 this month. I always forget about that folder, so in addition I get maybe 2 a week that they don't catch... that is a lot after all...

  7. I haven't ever had much spam, but usually, it gets caught up in my spam folder.

    Sorry about the unwelcome visitors.


  8. I get a lot where they try to make it look like they're commenting, but are really directing people to a site that has no relationship whatsoever to our blogs. It's like don't they have better things to do? Really?

  9. Weird huh? I was getting a ton of 'em too until I changed my settings to not allow anonymous comments. I hated doing that 'cause a few of my readers can't comment now, but I was just so darn tired of having to deal with the cr@p that was being wrote.
    Speaking of cr@p...ours is just about loaded and we'll be hugging soon!

  10. I've never even checked my spam folder. Maybe I should...or shouldn't. I get spam a maybe once a month, it's such a pain in the neck...don't know any way around it though.

  11. I've never even checked my spam folder. Maybe I should...or shouldn't. I get spam a maybe once a month, it's such a pain in the neck...don't know any way around it though.

  12. I have at least one a day that is published. Thanks to comment number 2 for her tip to mark the comment as spam before I delete it!

  13. I too have been receiving lots and had even turned off comment verification but then they increased so turned it back on and now they've seem to stop. Who knows what's going on. I'm also receiving a lot of emails from spammers and it seems they are also hacking emails. See you soon friend.

  14. Not a ton of spam, I think my blog is so tiny that I'm not anyone's radar...however got a few shocking (educational?) tweets lately...glad you moderate as well!

  15. I even get spam email that won't let me designate it as junk mail ~ what's up with that?? grrrr....

  16. Yes lots of spam I finally got rid of anonymous again after thinking it might have changed. They don't go thru but just are annoying to have to delete all the time.
    hey btw your son looks like a hottie rock star! is that bad to say to his momma? lol

  17. Hi - I have gotten just a few on my decorative painting/design blog - http:..www.studioofdecorative

    But - every day I have some really weird ones on my home staging blog (http://www, but thankfully I review them. Some I get in other languages (Korean, Greek - you name it)and some are such gibberish that do not many any sense.

    Don't know why!!!



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