Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We are home!

By the grace of God we made it home safe and sound
with a very, very empty truck and tons of dust in our lungs! Hahahaha!
No time for pictures right now,
I'm off to work on the shop!
Gotta get this shop open ASAP!
Pictures coming soon!


  1. Yippy...So happy to hear the truck is empty! Can't wait to see all the pictures, but I can be patient. You have fun getting that adorable shop up and running...can I come help?

  2. An EMPTY truck is a GOOD sign!!! Glad you had fun...PROSPERED...and got home safely :)

    Can't wait to hear all about it!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  3. Hey sweets!
    You're so exhausted you're asking us to get naked with you? well alright then! lol

    I will "bear" the wait until I see some pics but not for too long. I am itching to see the show and everything you sold...and the shop....well I suppose it is a good thing we live so far apart...or my plastic would get waaaay too much use.

    Glad to know you are safe and sound.

    BTW the other day on a post I wrote baby sounds as in gaga goo goo instead of referencing LADY GA GA. We All need more SLEPP!..I mean SLEEP :D

  4. Glad y'all made it safe and sound and look forward to seeing more of the store!

  5. Yay!!!! I am so happy that you had a good show, despite what I heard of the heat. You rock my dear!!!!!

  6. Yay! your home!
    Can't wait to hear the news and of course, more shop info!
    hugs from here

  7. So glad that you had a successful and safe trip. My trip success is based on how much I bring BACK. I had a wonderful time chatting with you


  8. Thanks for the note. It was terrific seeing you too. It was fun. I have the best pic of the two of you teresa's. cant wait to show you.
    Lets plan a JUNKIN meet up in Iowa one day soon okay.

  9. T, Sounds like you did really great! I'm so happy!!! I've been checking and checking and waiting to see when you got home, welcome back!

  10. I'm pleased as punch that trailer was bouncing all the way to KY! Y'all had the best merchandise and it doesn't surprise me one bit you sold out.
    I'm ready for another burger...how 'bout you?

  11. So happy you had a great show!!
    I'm not surprised though...rest up and get back here...can't wait to see some pictures!


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.