Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ironstone Manufacturing Stamps

As I was going through my ironstone purge,
I noticed some of the manufacturing stamps on the back of the dishes.
I also noticed that almost every time
there is a Lion and a Unicorn in the graphics!
Most of them also have a crown, how cool is that?
I just love these images!
There has been times when I displayed a piece of ironstone backwards
so I could show off the stamp!

I'm linking up with Kathleen over at Faded Charm for White Wednesday!


  1. I always love to admire the stamps on the back of ironstone too and even will hang a plate turned so that I can just to look at the stamp.

  2. That is so cool! I wonder what the lion and unicorn means? do you know TOT?

  3. I still wished I lived in Kentucky so I could take those unwanted iron stone pieces off your hands!!!

    And Lillian Flossy Pearl !!!!!!!!
    Are you kidding me with that name! I LOVE IT!
    Grandmother names??
    I had a Ruby, a Pearl, a Rose, and a Violet! I always wanted daughters to carry on the names!

  4. Ooooh, I love the brownish one...picked up a really cool ironstone bone dish at the Good Will yesterday(20 cents)...and no, you can never have enough Miss Purge!!!

  5. They are really great. I have decorated with things backwards too because they are sometimes just as beautiful:) I will be joining Kathleen tomorrow to. Have a great week:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  6. Very interesting post! Looks like you're purging quite a collection!

  7. I love the markings on the back of china...some of it is more fetching than the front of the piece. Love these...are you feeling a bit sad at letting it go? Hugs-Diana

  8. I am always on the hunt for ironstone! I will have to pay better attention to the markings!

  9. That is sooooo true! You had me diggin thru my ironstone looking!
    AND...your little grandbaby is beyond precious...Congrats!!

  10. They don't make em like they used to, even the stamps. Hope you bring some of that ironstone next time you visit Brimfield, hee hee.
    - Susan

  11. Thanks for sharing your beautiful ironstone markings...I love Ironstone, now I know what to look for when I am junkin...have a great day!

  12. I've noticed some of those stamps. Don't sell that ironstone until you get to Texas. We can have a show at my house.

    My sister named one of her daughters Hattie (another old fashioned name) after our grandmother.

  13. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and becoming one of my followers and thank you for the nice comment. Great Iron Stone one of my favorite things..


  14. There's such earthy yum-ness in those backstamps...love 'em!


  15. Sometimes I like the piece best just for it's back stamp. And you have got some great ones Theresa. But I love the shapes and the crazing and browning on the pieces you have shown here. Makes my heart go pitter patter.

    Speaking of pitter pattering hearts...yours much be doing just that over your new little Lillian. She is a beauty! Congratulations to your whole family!!!!
    hugs to you from me...

  16. Love it Theresa! Whenever I see the stamps you've shown, I have to keep it! I haven't ever seen the stamp in the final picture, pretty cool. I'll have to keep my eyes open for that one.

  17. I noticed that too! I sure wish I lived near you and could "Help" with that purge! *winks* Vanna

  18. We're thrilled to have found you. Looking thru past posts...all so beautiful, and a new baby...congratulations and blessings!!

    XO Glad & Celia

  19. Love that you are showing the charming stamps on the back of the ironstone....fun to see this post! Xoxo

  20. Interesting post, I wonder what the lion and unicorn mean? sandi

  21. They do have lovely marking on them, thanks for sharing. Theresa I left you an email about the purse, I didn't have the measurement because it's at my studio, and I can measure it today if the roads don't freeze over, where in for another round of bad weather today! Happy White Wednesday!!!
    hugs~~~~ Daphne

  22. That was a fun and interesting post... thanks for sharing!

  23. You're right Theresa. Backstamps can be quite interesting — especially to a history buff like me. I love to learn what each of the components of the stamps means.

    Be sure to come by and enter my latest giveaway!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  24. Oh, I just went through the tour of your home on CL!!! FUN! Loved it!


  25. These are pretty markings. Do the lion and unicorn mean it's ironstone?
    It looks like all the manufacturers you show have it. Your purged cupboard looks great . . . and still full of beautiful ironstone!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    ~ Julie

  26. Thanks so much for visiting my White Wednesday post today!

    I also love the backstamps on old china and pottery. It is amazing how each symbol and letter help determine age and provence!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  27. An ironstone purge? Oh, that could be hard! Love your ironstone!

  28. You crack me up! But I feel the same way...LOVE those backstamps. Birds of a feather I guess. :-)

    Happy WW,

  29. I LOVE the crazing on that Johnson Bro piece! How many doll heads would it take for a trade? ~Mindy

  30. I Love Ironstone myself and only buy English Ironstone.I too enjoy seeing their trademark stamps.~Cheers Kim

  31. Great Post
    I too love white ironstone
    you could say it is my favorite
    treasure to collect

  32. I love Ironstone sooooo much...thanks for visiting my blog...we have a lot in common. Feel free to contact me anytime...congrats on the new addition to your family.

    Take care, Kerry

  33. Maybe I can help clear up the mystery...

    The seal that is shown on each of these pieces is actually the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom and dates back in differing forms more than 900 years. The lion on the left represents England and the unicorn on the right represents Scotland.

    You can see different mottoes on these back stamps. The banner across the bottom says “Dieu et Mon Droit” which means “God and my right.” That is the motto of the British monarchs. The second banner features the motto of the Order of the Garter. Also in French, “Honi soit qui mal y pense” means “Evil to him who evil thinks.” Both phrases should appear on the Royal Coat of Arms but the small size of the back stamps probably made that difficult.

    Each of these companies was British so it makes sense that they would feature the Royal Coat of Arms.

    Hope that helps!


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