Friday, January 28, 2011

Changes Round Here!

I told you guys a few post ago that I was feeling a great need to purge around here!
I felt like my interiors where closing in on me and I needed a more open, less is more space!
And believe me I have really, really edited my things.
Although when you look at this cabinet,
it doesn't look like it!
This cabinet was in the living room and I moved it to the dinning room.
Took everything out and started over!
Here's a few close ups.

 I only kept the things that were very near and dear to my heart!
I'm guessing since I'm a Pisces,
That's why I love anything to do with the ocean,
to include the ocean!
But since I don't live anywhere near a shoreline,
I bring a little of the ocean to me!
 This is the overall look of the cabinet!
I love how it turned out!
Not to worry, I'm gonna show you a before picture!
 Another thing, I can not live without books!
I love to decorate with them.

 This is the before picture of the cabinet in the living room.
 Do you remember all this ironstone?
 I did it!
I'm so proud of my self!
It's all gone!
I only keep a few things
and it is priced and toted up for the next show!



  1. Yay for you! Your cabinet turned out beautiful! I love how you displayed everything.

    Have a great weekend!


  2. You are selling all of your gorgeous ironstone?????Wow! That is amazing. I just couldn't part with mine just yet. You really had some wonderful pieces. Have fun redecorating: It really looks pretty:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Good for you! I need to do some of the same thing! I love your sea inspired is perfect. I got rid of the ironstone I had a while ago was hard to see it go but the truth is - I haven't missed it much...maybe it's the age? Hugs- Diana

  4. Hi Theresa!
    It looks fantastic!! I really love all the sea shells/thingys...and the books together. You are so talented ~ everything you do looks amazing. The before shot looked spectacular as well...just different. I'm dying for all the ironstone you're selling .......:)

  5. Oh my!!!

    It looks so gorgeous i love it,i'm a fellow water sign a Cancer so it scores a ten out of ten from me!

    Love Kristina x

  6. I love how your cupboard turned out. It's really a look I'm going for in my living room with all the coral and shells and of coarse the books. I, too have been going through things and trying to decide what to keep and sell. Not sure about selling all my seems to be so hard to find around here, so I don't know if I'll ever be able to replace some pieces.

    I'm sure you feel good to have purged some things.

    Take care,


  7. OMG Girly, it is super awesome looking, the redo. Wow, can't wait to see it all at Marburger!

  8. The cabinet turned out great! Nice work!


  9. Love that - I also adore anything to do with the sea!
    Your ironstone was amazing too!


  10. I, too, love keeping things that are beautiful or useful. The new display is beautiful.


  11. Theresa,
    It looks stunning! I am just starting my ironstone collection so can't imagine parting with all your beautiful pieces. I will be at Marburger so maybe I can adopt a piece.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. SWOON!!!!!!!!!! Be still me heart...oh. my. goodness. I love it all!!! You did an amazing job! You have inspired me! Must go home and purge and restyle now!

  13. It has already been said but I will say it again! You are SO talented! Really! Talented! I am in love with your vignettes!

  14. Feels good to purge.... room for more stuff! :)

  15. WHY WHY don't I live in Kentucky!!!

    I'll buy your Ironstone!!!!! In fact my new project was because of your ironstone photo!!!

    And what about the doll heads!!! I LOVE them!

    Oh and the new cabinet looks gorgeous!!!

  16. Totally impressed!
    First with your seascape display and second with your purge!
    Your bravery gives me courage :)
    ...maybe I will hang onto my ironstone just a tad longer though...
    Have a great weekend! :)

  17. Hey Sweet Girl
    I love the new look... but you could make anything look wonderful! I love those old books!
    I have to admit the empty cupboard made me a little faint... all that ironstone and all my empty shelves...hmmm
    BTW if I was scraping tile I wouldn't be so ambitious either, that sounds like really hard work!
    I would just do so much each day... set a goal, say 45 min a day. Before you know it, you'll have hardwood floors!
    Have a great weekend
    PS Say how was the Red Barn Show?

  18. It has a lot of panache, looks beautiful.

  19. oh the "revamp" is gorgeous...really beautiful but, oh my, how did you EVER part with some of that ironstone?? Wow...good for you! Wish i lived closer....

  20. I think it looked amazing in all it's incarnations! I sure wish I could be at that show with your ironstone! *winks* Vanna

  21. Your hutch love lovely! But, back to the ironstone: Do I have to come to Kentucky?

  22. The cabinet looks wonderful- truly lovely...(severed heads and limbs creep me out anyway) and why oh why did my phone not ring to say "hey want to buy some ironstone?" You know i was coveting several, you've got the number and I have paypal lol :D

    How is the MAC?


  23. Total bliss looking at all those pics!!

  24.'s a good feeling what'd I do...went to Coal Valley and the Junk Asylum your lil brownie eatin' heart out...HA!


  25. That took guts!!! The new look is really pretty. Love love love all the white coral mixed with your beautiful books.
    How long are you going to make us wonder what you are going to put in the ironstones place???

  26. Your cabinet looks great. Love all of the personality in it.

    I would love to have some of your ironstone pieces.

  27. Did all the doll heads go bye-bye too? I don't know what it is about them, but when I'm working at the store, I just feel like they are starring at me and I get spooked! Although, as with anything, they look great all grouped together!!

    Take care, Sue

  28. OH MY GOodness I Love this post, so so SO Beautiful..

  29. Yay! But...I loved ALL of your displays - all of them! I am showing these pictures to my husband to show him that all my STUFF is not junk - it too, could look as beautiful as this if I ever take it out the boxes! Thank you for the inspiration!

  30. Knowing how you love your things, I just have to say one are my hero!
    Love the are the queen.

  31. Theresa ~
    That is awesome !!
    Your ironstone is
    killing me because I am totally
    on the hunt for some and
    am having a hard time finding it ~
    Where are you selling it ???


  32. Doesn't it feel good to purge! But seriously, don't know how you did it with all the wonderful ironstone! Hoping there will be some left when you go to Brimfield!

  33. Oh have such a talent for display girl!!! This new arrangement of your shelves is so beautiful to me ~ and my goodness, what COURAGE you have!!!! Parting with so much of your ironstone collection! Those stained pieces are my very favorite ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  34. Hi Theresa, I would love to transport this entire cabinet right to my living room. Absolutely gorgeous! I love all the coral and seashells. The alabaster grapes are fabulous. I am saving this picture for inspiration.

  35. Theresa the cabinet looks FABULOUS!!! I love the color contrast of the books with the white!
    I can't believe that you actually packed up all of your beautiful ironstone, but understand where you are coming from.
    just let me know what show that it is going to, i think a couple of pieces couple come & live with me :)

  36. Wow! That is a lot of change and a lot work! I can't wait to see what you do next, my trendsetter friend. ~Mindy

  37. I love to edit and cull my treasures (I don't collect much) and I love the serenity of a minimal look---and really love your new look!!!

  38. I know how hard that is to do...I did it this year with my Christmas stuff...argh. I only took out one box and never even opened the others. I so get it. Your re-do is amazing of course, just like you!

  39. It looks fabulous! My favorite - the bird feathers in the nest. BEAUTIFUL!

  40. The new arrangement is beautiful! I l-o-v-e your Mozart!


  41. Tot,
    I love the re-do! The coral & other sea treasures look right at home alongside the busts & salvage. I want to see your booth so badly in the spring. The thought of all that ironstone....ohhhh. I haven't decided if I can make it this time, I have 2 teaching events around that time & feel guilty leaving Kevin alone with the kids so much. I've never seen your space tho & would love it so much, I'd bring lots of money cuz I know I'd want it all! Lisa

  42. your coral and shelves looks awesome! and what restraint it took to get rid of the ironstone, but there will be some happy shoppers I'm sure!!! Tracey from F.Larkspur collects that too...

    anyhow - yes, there is camping -
    give me an email: and I'll help you exciting I can meet you!!!!!!!!!

  43. Doesn't it feel good to clear out some things. We are trying to do that in town at Andy's studio/shop. Looks wonderful! The countdown is on.

  44. I can't believe so many ladies want to now sell their ironstone?? Linda

  45. OMG....not the Ironstone....I want it all. I can see you are still loving the chip! Congrats on the new little one. I am trying to resurface myself back to the blog world. I have been buried into running the antique mall. Hope all is well, Hugs, Janna

  46. I adore your book shelf! I am so glad to know you are so close! You will have to come check out my shops. You would love them. What show are you refering to selling the iron stone? I am now a proud follower of your great blog!
    Katie is doing a project in a science fair that involves the need of different brands of diapers. Does anyone have some diapers that could be donated? We need two of five different brands. Let me know if you can help us out! Thanks!

  47. Well, it looks absolutely FABULOUS! Just gorgeous!! The coral and the books and everything!

    LOVE IT!

    I have to say your ironstone is just stunning....wish I could come to your next show!

    Lou Cinda

  48. I love all the whites, and the coral makes this so unique!


  49. Such a pretty shelving unit and display. I love books too. Must have been hard to part with all those pretty things but I understand--I am at that stage of life too--there is room only for so much and when I have too much--it stops bringing joy. I bet it will all go to new homes where it is loved for a while, and then, it's journey continues!

  50. I can't believe it's all gone....The last time I popped in you were just TALKING about 'doing it'....** sigh ** ....I guess it's for the best.... :o) !!!!!

    Now that I can see where your ironstone resided I am FLOORED by the BEAUTY of your cabinet....I'm GREEN with envy 'down here' you know....!!

    ENJOY your newly created 'less is more' space....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)


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