Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Open House at The Barn

Yesterday was the Christmas Open House at the Barn! I took these pictures before I hung some huge snowflakes from the ceiling and I scattered song book pages on the floor! Boy, was that a mistake! The whole time I was there I had to explain to EVERY single person that walked into my booth why the book pages were on the floor!
Are you kidding me! 
Just goes to show what kind of area I live in!
Please tell me you guys would have gotten the jest of books pages on the floor in my booth!!

I didn't do a lot of Christmas decor because it doesn't sell here!

However, I did make some bed spring wreaths, (not my idea) and  some bed spring trees, (my idea) or at least I've never seen any around! I love the trees! If they don't sell I'm gonna use them at my house!

Hope you enjoy the rest of the tour!

If you see anything you are interested in,
 just shoot me an email for a price!



  1. Everything looks great and I just love the spring wreaths and trees!

    Btw...I so get the sprinkled sheet music!

  2. What a gorgeous booth! And I would have totally gotten the book pages on the floor. I am in love with your bedspring art...both the wreath and the tree. I had opened up the first picture larger to get a look at those before I even knew you talked about them later in the post....they caught my eye right away. How did the shopping crowd react to those?
    Hope you sell lots of stuff!

  3. Pretty.

    But you might want to rethink the labeling of your customers and potential customers as "podunk" because they don't recognize some obscure reference.

    It may be written with an intended sense of humor, but someone not reading you regularly enough to know that could be very offended.
    I'm not, even though I have no idea what the significance of song book pages on your floor is, but could see how others would be.

  4. Theresa- You should have told people that the music was on the floor because you nickname had always been TWINKLE TOES and you thought you would take that theme a bit further. lol

    Love those bed springs! I really LIKE the wreaths too-your idea or not!?! You know-those might be cute with little "industrial" ornaments wired on them too? Metal "tags", etc. Just a thought-what do I know?

    Your space looks wonderful..I love it. You have a good eye for display and items! Happy Sunday- Hugs- Diana

  5. Great stuff, Theresa! I think your bedspring tree idea is most fabulous! Too bad people didn't get the book page idea - very whimsical and cool of you to do that.

  6. Oh Theresa I am right there with you.
    It isn't just PODUNK it is VEGAS too!
    People just don't get out much and to see something that is unusual is....wait were they trying to pick them up for you? I can just see it in my head...LOL
    Anyway. Your booth is amazing, love the spring wreaths looks fantastic on the wall.
    Happy Holidays

  7. Man, I wish I could be there! The best I can do is enlarge the photos and drool!!!!

  8. I love it all, your booth is just beautiful! It's funny how we hope that people will get us and then boom they have that blank look in their eyes when they ask why you made something! WE GET YOU!! but ofcourse, you are amazing! Theresa xoxo

  9. It all looks wonderful! Love what you did with the bed springs! And I would have totally loved walking into your booth and finding book pages sprinkled on the floor!!!

  10. Clever girl!! Bed springs trees!! I love that idea.....and your whole booth is FABULOUS!

  11. Man, what I wouldn't give to be at that gorgeous venue. SO dreamy. And I get the intent of the book pages, but I'm thinking it would drive me crazy with them all getting stepped on and disheveled. Just my OCD...hope you have a great Sunday!


  12. Everyhting looks amazing! I love your color palette! it's so soothing!
    I would love to get a spring wreath from you!
    I have seen them but not had a place for one until recently!
    I will send you an email too!
    And yes! I get the book pages on the floor! And don't worry...I reside in podunk too! The locals rarely get me!
    hugs my friend!


  13. Your booth is simply amazing! What super neat tiems...wish I could come shopping there!

  14. ohmygosh, Theresa, these spring trees are wonderful, great idea, and the rest of EVERYthing is wonderful. I'm laughing about the pages on the floor, yep, sometimes it just doesn't pay to be too fabulous! te he.

  15. I love your bed spring trees. So very clever.

    I wouldn't be able to put book pages on the floor around here because someone would make themselves slip on them and want to sue. We have to be careful about everything. Things that are hanging need to be very high so no one could possibly bump their head.

    Your booth looks lovely and wintery.


  16. don't we just spend our lives trying to enlighten the uneducated! your space looks amazing!

  17. Can you please explain the book pages that are the floor? Ha ha just kidding. Your space always looks great!!!!!

  18. Howdy neighbor! I live in PODUNK too!!! Everything looks great. Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas! A and J

  19. Looks Great!!! One of my favorite things (small but great touch) is the fresh rosemary!
    Why oh why haven't the gray chairs with the french grain sack upholstery sold yet? They are so cool. Must be the podunk folk. I thought Iowa was the capital of podunk...guess they're everywhere.

    I'm so glad I got to meet you.

  20. T, Everything looks perfect. I love the spring wreaths-great idea and the tree too. What did you use for the snowflakes? The pages on the floor story is so funny:) My sister goes through my shop and put everything in neat little rows...and I'm right behind her moving things around!

    Hope you had a great sale. Can't wait to see you...

    bliss farm antiques

  21. Doncha know we live in a world all our own...and isn't it great!

  22. I get it!!!! I know not everyone does. Not everyone 'gets' our home either. LOL But that's ok. What a gorgeous booth you have created!!. You really know how to present things so beautifully. I love your wreaths! Hope you had a great show:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  23. Adore the booth and yes I get the book pages on the floor! My whole family thinks I am odd for what they consider to be my questionable choices of decor and art making. I can't wait to see their reaction when I get the larger of the two bedrooms at the farmhouse painted and use and old bed springs as a headboard! Love the wreaths and trees, just fantastic!

  24. Oh no, Podunkville is in Muscatine Iowa, try to explain living in a pink shack we's just a figger of speech, sorta like SNOBVILLE...

    Some people just freak out at tearing any pages out of a book, hey, it's our job and somebody's gotta do it!!

    Love yer stuff girl and the spring tree is fabu...need any skulls or body parts?!!

    Luv ya sister of the hootersville!


  25. lots of nice ideas here...come by for my GIVEAWAY..

  26. haaa haaa PODUNK!
    i totally get it! & can i just tell you that i am so glad that you do not too close becasue i would be so broke... i just love each & everything in your booth!

  27. Book pages - brilliant! And those bed spring wreaths are inspired. Seriously awesome.


  28. Book pages - brilliant! And those bed spring wreaths are inspired. Seriously awesome.


  29. Ha, you tickle me... loved the book page idea and when I was reading that I thought I wished I had thought of that one and then I read the rest! I did Kane this last weekend and it snowed, well that was the kiss of death...People we live in the Midwest it snows! Hope your show was good, I actually didn't do as bad as I thought with the slow traffic
    Love what you do - shoot me a price on the spring wreaths...
    Love ya

  30. PS
    Do you still have the white mirrors? I need some with original paint...

  31. thank you so much for coming over and entering my giveaway...fingers crossed for ya...cheers, Cynthia

  32. your booth is gorgeous... ! but what is the deal with the book pages on the floor?, other than it's cool, and different, and maybe one could pick one or two up as a gift to take home... ??? i feel like the dumb kid in class asking a question about something where the answer is obvious to everyone else... either way... love your stuff!

  33. Your bed spring wreaths and trees are gorgeous! Your White Christmas prize is on its way!
    ~ Julie

  34. Your booth looks absolutely gorgeous! The bed spring trees and wreaths are so original - what a wonderful talent you have!

  35. It's all so very gorgeous... thanks for sharing!!!
    hugs~~ Daphne

  36. I am so glad I finally found a few extra minutes to swing in and get my Theresa fix.

    Love the trees... and i can't believe Christmas doesn't sell there!! What the?

    Freezing up here... love the booth

    Cheers, L

  37. Theresa- You crack me up.
    I love your space. And girl there is a podunk in every state. My booth is in podunk too. Everyone says they love my booth it is their favorite to visit. But they all buy primitive country. I don't get it they love it but don't buy it?
    I totally get the pages on the floor- I love the spring wreaths but adore to death the trees. What a great idea.

  38. Theresa, BEAUTIFUL booth!! I totally would have gotten the pages on the floor! I also love them rolled up in the pitcher!

    The spring trees are great!!

    Lou Cinda

  39. I love your booth......and what a clever idea to make decorations from bed it!

  40. I so get it but know how frustrating it can be to have to explain it. I get asked all the time what to do with the wish tickets. It's hard to answer them with a straight face but I try.
    Love your new look .....I think I need one too....maybe in the new year.


  41. I'm drooling all over your GORGEOUS booth, TOT!! I live in a podunk town, too... sooo many people just don't get it!! I LOVE your box spring wreaths and Christmas trees! I LOVE all of your vintage windows and shutters!! I LOVE... ;-))


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.