Thursday, August 12, 2010

Best New Blog

I don't get to blog very often,
but when I do sometimes I spent hours reading other blogs!
Today I was fortunate enough to find a new blog and it's FABULOUS!

If you get a chance get yourself on over there and check it out.
I think you will be glad you did!



  1. Theresa,I can't wait to see. Thank you for the link.
    My mouthed gaped open all through your last post. My gosh!!! I love that little parasol from a baby buggy. And those frames**sigh*** those frames.
    I may have a garden...but girl, you have the best junk in the entire world.
    I don't doubt for one minute that you will have a gorgeous garden someday, cause everything you do is stellar!

  2. Thanks Theresa! I love finding new and exciting blogs....especially blogs by women who hunt for beautiful vintage junk!!

  3. Thanks Theresa...I am headed over there. I know what you mean-this whole BlogWorld can be quite addictive! Diana

  4. TOT, Thanks so much for doing this post. I'll see you at the shows!

  5. I will go check it out! And hey, I LOVE that photo!!

    Take care, Sue

  6. she does have a great blog. she left me a comment about a month ago or so and I immediately added her to my sidebar. great stuff.



  7. I wish I had more time to explore even my old friends again, but either the dogs come too early in the mornin'...or I'm fallin' asleep on the couch at night...I'm going over there right to get old!!!

  8. I love reading blogs too...I'll have to check this one out :)

  9. Hi - I found you after following your link from the Where Bloggers Create event.

    Just wanted to say how pretty your banner is! Love all the great layering and textures. :D


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.