Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting Ready!

Hey guys!
We are working our fingers to the bone to get ready for Marburger! I am so excited I can't hardly wait! I know this is gonna be a great show! I hope so see all my old friends and meet some new ones!

These are some pictures of last years Marburger!
Hope you enjoy!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Booth Sales Are Up!

I'm very happy to report that sales in our area have been up this summer! Not sure how sales are in other parts of the country, but we are up from the last 2 years! This is very encouraging to me, seems like we've been in a dry spell for way to long! Thought I would share a few pictures from my booth, although several things in the pictures have already sold! Yeah! Hope you enjoy!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Best New Blog

I don't get to blog very often,
but when I do sometimes I spent hours reading other blogs!
Today I was fortunate enough to find a new blog and it's FABULOUS!

If you get a chance get yourself on over there and check it out.
I think you will be glad you did!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Finally Unloaded!

I finally got the van unload this morning!
And this is my loot!
I was very please with the treasures I found!

I never get tired of old crusty frames and clocks!
The little umbrella is off a baby buggy! Love it!

Can't get enough bady doll heads and parts!
Woo Whoo!
More please!

I also got a whole box of watches and clock faces!

The little black table has 4 chairs to match!
All in all this is what my whole pile looks like!
Not bad for 2 days of shopping!
I also got a cool concrete figure that goes in a fountain that didn't make it into the picture!


Monday, August 9, 2010

127 Loot

This is a picture of shopping on day 2, the back of Lauri's truck was loaded down!

This is day 1, inside my van! The shopping gods were good to us, we found some great stuff at reasonable prices. Doesn't look very full, but we bought tons of smalls that day! We even ran out of money and had to search for a bank so we could get some green backs!

There is field after field of nothing but junk, you just have to know where to go to look for the good stuff!

Gotta love these people! Every where we went we seen this car! I just love how they bought a cupboard, put it on top of the car and used it as a box to hold more treasures!

I still haven't unloaded the van with my loot! I had to help my daughter paint her house Saturday and go to work on Sunday! Today was spent finishing errand's for a surprise birthday party tonight! Hopefully I can get the van unloaded tomorrow and show pics of my treasures!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

127 Over for me!

We travel several miles over two days and seen some good stuff and tons of %^&*! But never fear, we had a great time! To tired to post pictures tonight, but I promise in a couple of days I will show my loot!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

American Pickers!

Photo: Antique Archaeology

Craig called me from the road today, he was somewhere in the Western part of Kentucky on a wrecker run! He said guess who just passed me on the road? The American Pickers! He was very excited! Of course, we watch the show every week and we have been by their place in La Clair, Iowa. But he was shocked to actually see them on the road! He said, I just had to call and tell somebody! Men are so funny! I figure they are on there way to the 127 yard sale! That's exactly where I will be Thursday and Friday with Ms. Lauri of Chippys! I plan on taking my camera, maybe I'll see the American Pickers shopping as well and get a picture of them! Craig would die! LOL!
