Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brimfield in July!

I want to thank everyone who came out to the show to see us! We had a great show and tons of fun with all our friends! Here are a few pics from our booth. All industrial this time! We sold almost everything, only had a few pieces of furniture left!

I am still having trouble figuring out this new post layout thingy! I can't always get my text to go where I want it, that's why I didn't start text until the second picture! Sorry! I will figure this out if it kills me! Change is always hard for me, I am so old school!

I will just let you enjoy the photos on your own. Next post I have some photos and stories to tell about my friend!



  1. I love it all, it looked really great!

  2. Sounds like you had a successful trip!
    That is good to hear.

  3. It looks great! Diggin' the industrial look ... love my chippy whites, but this is a nice break! Very trendy you are ; )
    Wish we could have seen you here on the East Coast, but we stupidly planned our own market for that weekend ... should have been in MA!
    GREAT job!

  4. Gosh do I L O V E all of your displays Theresa!!!
    Congrats on a successful show
    your admirer from Germany

  5. Looks Fantastic!! So good to hear you had great sales.

  6. My favorite look...chi chi against rugged. Kinda like you and CraigiePoo...huh?

  7. As always GREAT displays! I'm always blown away by the totally awesome displays you put together at shows. I'm going to make sure my son Bryce see's this blog post. He LOVES industrial and that is his thing at Country Roads.

    Take care, Sue

  8. looks great, Tot! i lovelove all the industrial pieces!

  9. glad you had a great show. lucky you to hang out with the brocantess. texas is on the horizon and i can't wait!



  10. I am glad you had a good show. The industrial pieces sooo nice and your displays are very special. You have a real talent for display. sandi

  11. Beautiful show...i wish i was there.........i forget to follow you..................stupid me.....hahahah!! there is a link for your give away on my blog and i thought look if the winner is already there.....but than i saw i am not following now well!! happy day darling..............beautiful Ria...

  12. Theresa I LOVE your style....If my booth at the upcoming SVJ-X looks HALF as good as your recent efforts I will be one VERY PROUD Junker....!!

    PLEASE keep posting about the shows you attend....I draw SO MUCH inspiration from them I can't tell you....!!

    Cheers from Australia,
    Tamarah :o)

  13. WOWZA...guess all the strippin' you and CraigSmith did in the front yard paid off...heehee! Glad yer home safe!

    The booth looks FABU sister!!!


  14. Amazingly gorgeous stuff, love the industrial style! I so wish I could have been there in person! However, I am your newest follower, and will look forward to many more virtual adventures! XO!

  15. Love your setup Theresa, you have some super cool pieces. Industrial looks like the way to go, at least having a nice mix of it. Glad you had such a great show!

  16. How I'd love to shop with you...your booth photos inspire me to no end! One of these days, I'll get to meet you! SO happy that you had a good show! Ann

  17. Everything looks fabulous!!!!! lauri

  18. After just looking through your Brimfield pics the song "It's a Small World After All" keeps playing in my head.

    I passed your booth every day as I went between the camping area and my booth. I was set up in the same field, the same row-opposite side-but I was at the end of the row by the street. How funny is that.

    Each day I would tell myself I was going to stop in your booth before the end of the show. I literally got there at "the end of the show" when everything was almost gone. But I didn't know it was your booth until I just saw your pics. LOL

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.