Saturday, July 31, 2010

Puppy Love

This is Spencer and Chloe!
Brother and Sister from different litters, a year apart!

Spencer is the oldest, he is the best dog ever!
Chloe on the other hand $%^&*#!
My daughter owns her now!
But they get to visit each other often.

Nothing sweeter than a sleeping dog!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Playing Around!

I have been playing with my blog layout again! Some of these day's I will get it like I want it, maybe! Most of the time I am scared to death if I change something it will trash everything! I sure wish I knew more about computers and I wasn't so afraid! I would even be open to taking some classes, but I'm not sure where you look for blogging classes! LOL! Hope you all have a great day!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brimfield in July!

I want to thank everyone who came out to the show to see us! We had a great show and tons of fun with all our friends! Here are a few pics from our booth. All industrial this time! We sold almost everything, only had a few pieces of furniture left!

I am still having trouble figuring out this new post layout thingy! I can't always get my text to go where I want it, that's why I didn't start text until the second picture! Sorry! I will figure this out if it kills me! Change is always hard for me, I am so old school!

I will just let you enjoy the photos on your own. Next post I have some photos and stories to tell about my friend!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Home at Last!

We got home about 30 minutes ago and I am so happy to be here! It's true what they say there is no place like home! And boy do I have some stories to tell and pictures to show! Most of my free time was spent with my good friend and we had a great time! I'm to tired now to down load any pictures! Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Brimfield or Bust!

I can't believe it's already time for Brimfield again! We leave the end of this week! Boy, we have been working our little booty's off trying to get ready for this show! The truck is almost loaded, just a few strays that haven't made it on the truck yet!

If your in Brimfield, be sure and stop by the New England Motel and say Hello! I would be happy to here from you! We are booth number 112B.

I leave you with a few pictures from the Spring Brimfield Show! Enjoy!

I haven't forgot about the giveaway! You have until July 20th to enter! Good Luck!
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