Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is This A Tornado?

We were sitting out on the porch the other night at dusk, the wind got pretty fierce and some dark clouds moved  across the sky really fast! Suddenly I seen what appears to be the beginning of a funnel cloud! I was so excited! Your are gonna think I am crazy, but it's always been my dream to see a tornado! I have always been very fascinated with the weather and storms since I was a child. This little tail cloud moved up toward the cloud and it was gone in a flash! No tornado's tonight!

Believe me I'm seen first hand what one of these storms can do, I helped clean up the after math of a friends house that what completely destroyed! But I am still fascinated! The shear force of nature is completely spell binding!



  1. Oh that looks like a tornado in the making doesn't it? I love a good storm too Theresa. When I was a child, I loved to sit in my second story window and watch the lightening storms. I still love a good boomer. I love to see the lightening streak to the ground. Hubs thinks I'm a little nuts. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only nut.

  2. Gorgeous photo, kinda scary though!
    I guess your area is prone to them too, none for me thanks, we've been too close. Had one here a couple of years ago land a tree right next ot the house. I don't think I've ever been that frightened! What an adrenaline rush. Stay safe.

  3. Oh,,looks like it has potential. golly

  4. Well you must have been thrilled-to-death last fall in Texas when we almost got blown away!!!! Lets hope that doesn't happen this year. Tornados not a good thing!!!!! lauri

  5. I used to live in Texas and had some scary experiences as a kid. I seem to have tornado dreams all of the time. I would love to do the storm chasing thing once, if I knew I would survive, lol. I love storms! Rhonda...

  6. Looks "tornadoish" to me! Hope you have a great show at Brimfield.

  7. I am the wrong one to ask. I LOVE storms, but tornados . . . NOPE! I, too, would love to see one - out in the middle of the wide open desert where it really can't hurt anything but scrub brush!
    I'm wondering if you ever found out if it really was one.
    :) Karen ~ Some days are diamonds


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