Tuesday, June 1, 2010


OK! This new blog is total different than my old one! For one the picture load totally different and I'm not even sure how to move them around! Guess I will figure that out later!

Just wanted to share a few photos of a shop I visited a few weeks ago, Gilchrist ~ Gilchrist! I love her decor and the is very calming and peaceful! If you happen to be in the Nashville area drop by and see Genia!

2823 Bransford Ave.
Nashville, TN  37204

Tell her Theresa sent you!


  1. This shop is fabulous, love that wall of mirrors! And Oh my that chair on the table, just gorgeous!

  2. I know what you mean about the difference in blogs, figuring out The Candle Shed blog was a very frustrating business, like turning it wrong-side-out...hope you didn't get the bad storms, we needed rain, but come on, not the great flood!!!

    Queen of Cram...ha!

  3. Loving that angel on the wall. Thanks for sharing this spot.

  4. Love your stuff- great vintage style- wish i was near ya- to stop in- With such great ideas-giving much inspiration-won't be long till your right where you were in blog land..


Glad you stopped by for a visit, leave me a comment so I know you were here.