Thursday, August 13, 2015

Texas Show Coming Soon!

Almost time for the greatest show on dirt!
Can't hardly believe in 5 weeks my show at Texas Rose opens!
I am so excited! I've been getting things ready for the show. 
This is the third show that I will be setting up at Texas Rose, BUT this time I will be inside the building on the lower end to the left! I can't wait to play with my new space!
Make sure you come be and see me there!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I Really Tried!

I really, really, really tried to start a new blog with my new business name, but it's been so long since I did all that! It is to much work! I think I am blog lazy! I guess I just need to stick to what is tried and true! 

I miss all my blogging friends! Wish I had more time to play on here!