Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Which One Would You Rather Have?

Which one of these chairs would you choose for your home? It always amazes me how a little paint will change the looks of a piece of furniture.  I never pass up the opportunity to buy a piece of furniture with old paint, but......sometimes old paint can be hard to find.

I have been painting furniture for more than 25 years, long before Rachel Ashwell made Shabby Chic popular. When we started doing shows 13 years ago in Atlanta that is all we sold. But after about while, I grew very tired of painting everything in sight! hahaha!

But guess what? Since I've had the shop, it seems people want painted furniture and I'm gonna give it to them. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

I've had these chairs for a long time and I intended to recover them. But lately I've seen several blogs that show painting the fabric right along with the wood. Figured I'd try my hand at this. Well.......it is easy as pie! And it is truly amazing how good the fabric looks painted. I have 4 of these chairs and I think they look great! These babies will  go to the  shop Thursday.

Want to remind you of the Vintage Marketplace!
I am very excited about this show!
I think is is gonna be amazing!
I'm gonna choose the winners of the tickets tonight!
If you haven't put you name in the POT you still have time!

I'm linking up with Kathleen
at Faded Charm


  1. I tend to like the white chair.

  2. Love it...I've even painted leather and it stays on amazingly well, not only is the white paint selling again, but the Robin's egg blue library table and chair sold too and a sage green metal cupboard...who knew...!

  3. Good for you! Keep giving them what they want and then some....:) You are incredibly talented and will continue to stay ahead of the game.

  4. Love that white chair!Yes I agree.Paint always makes things better.


  6. The white chair looks so fresh and pretty! Amazing how great the painted fabric looks!

  7. Tough decision...I like them both. But I would probably choose to paint them for selling. I've been wanting to try painting fabric but I haven't found the right piece yet. Glad to hear it works. Are you planning on coming to Iowa anytime soon?

  8. I never knew you could paint the fabric! Whaddaya know.
    Look great!


  9. Hi Tot...Love them both actually..cute legs! Any who I hope to come see you in the first week of June! Would love to see you space. I will be in Kentucky May 30-June6. My Best

  10. You know, I have a hard time choosing!
    I like them both. I see the white chair as being in a very pretty, soft room. But the 'golden-yellow-wood'...hmmm! I can't decide.

    I must know about this painting upholstery though...do you use fabric paint? Do you use regular latex with a fabric paint medium?
    You must tell me this secret!


  11. Thanks for coming by and for your kind comment. Fun to meet another White Wednesday participant!

  12. Oh- Tot-We are old souls, you and I~ I was painting furniture long before it was cool, too...and I started painting fabric furniture about 10 years ago. I just don't sell it- I do it for myself, family and friends...AND I have flipped 14 houses, starting in 1979 long before it was "the thing".

    Your chair turned out great...so much better. Someone will snap it right up. xo Diana

  13. I've never painted fabric upholstery so I have to ask... is it comfortable to sit on? Does it just feel like a vinyl outdoor cushion??

  14. I've been seeing a lot about painting the fabric lately too - I haven't tried it yet. Love the white chair!

  15. Painting the fabric at the same time you paint the chair is new to me...but I have been hiding under a log it seems for a bit!
    I too have painting like crazy and I am plum tired!
    I hope you have a great day...I am off to paint crown moulding
    hugs my dear

  16. You know I love it white!
    Did you use a special paint?

  17. As always, you KNOW what people want. That is why you've been in this business of ours for so many years. Good luck at your show!

    Take care,

  18. I love them, I could use two of them right now -- to go with an antique drop table I'm refinishing.

    Great Job, so glad your flexable.


  19. I love them painted and still love painted furniture after all these years , well maybe 15 years

    I painted a faux leather chair and it turned out great, used a primer first

    I know they will sell

  20. I know what a difference paint can do but am always amazed when the project is done. Those chairs are going to sell quick. They look great!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  21. Hi TOT! I too want to know what kind of paint you used. Also curious about how it feels. Sad I didn't run into you at Warrenton, your space looked amazing as always! Susan


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