Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

When I woke this morning the sun was shining the birds were singing and I had a dozen of white roses!
What more could a girl want on her birthday?
Oh she wants to spend the whole day with her lovely daughters and mother!
Playing hooky from work today!
A girl can't work on her birthday, can she?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I've Been Playin!

Playin with my computer that is!
I thought this was pretty cool!
Of course, it don't take much for me!

I added the new linky tool to follow me!
Word is we are losing our followers through blogger?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

OMGoodness! I'm So Excited!

I am so excited!
Our great friends Karen and Patrick of
are in the newest issue of Country Living.
The section that features the CL show.
And Country Living did a video for the CL fair,
and their booth is shown in the clip!
I seen Patrick in the clip, but not Karen!
You will know it's their booth, cause it shows that fabulous
Sarah's Lunch sign I bought for my daughter at the last Marburger show!
Go over to their blog, which isn't very old.
Watch the clip and give them a great big welcome to the blog world!
Become a follower and tell them I sent you over!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Little Change-O-Presto

I sold that fabulous French bed last Saturday,
so I figured it was time to change things up a little!
I took all the back furniture out of the vault and moved it to the front of the store.
You know how it is when you move one thing, you have to move 100 things! Hahhaha!
Well that's what it feels like!

Moved this table out from the wall and put some chairs around it!
Now it's a great place to eat lunch.

The vault is just big enough for a twin bed and a small bedside table.
I need some things for the walls!
Really short on inventory right now!

This cute little cupboard is at the foot of the bed in the vault.

I like the back furniture moved up front by the window.
At least it looks different for repeat customers!

I painted a few tables white for the shop.
Seems that look is still selling in my area.

Love this awesome mirror.
It's really old, it's put together with square nails,
but it was beat all to pieces I had to paint it.

Found this stool on my last shopping trip.
Check out that fringe! I love it!

Monday, February 13, 2012

What's In A Name!

Many of you remember when I was getting ready to open my shop I wanted a new name! Most of you encouraged me to keep what I already had, Time Worn Interiors. I love the name Time Worn Interiors cause I think it describes what I do. But I knew that the people in my little town wouldn't get it! Thats why I wanted something French so it would evoke some mystery and they would want to come in and see what it was about.

Mind you the shop is doing well, not burning any bridges but it is paying it's way and I'm replacing inventory as it goes out the door. Although this week has been a great!

But I've noticed people look at the window where the name is, read it, then turn and walk away! I wasn't sure what this was about. This weekend I had a shop owner tell me that people say they visit all the shops downtown except the Interior Design shop? I don't think my business name implies Interior Design at all.

I did have one woman come in the shop the other day and she said, "none of this stuff is for sale is it, your just an Interior Designer"? Everything in the shop has a price on it! I guess because the shop is decorated and not piles of stuff on shelves that people think it's just there for looks!  I don't think of myself as an Interior Designer at all, I'm just  able to make a pile of junk look good!

In this business you always try to figure out what will attract customers and when you think you have it figured out, you find out not everyone thinks like you do! Hahahaha! Hopefully no one else out there has that burden any way, cause I'm a little nuts!

When we are at shows, my customers always say that my business name fits my merchandise perfectly. But move that business to a small town and it opens up a whole other can of worms!

Just saying! Because I'm sorta confused, not trying to be mean, just trying to understand!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

City Farmhouse

When we went to Hendersonville to do the show,
first thing on my list was to go see our friends, Kim and David's shop.
I love, love, love their shop!
Kim and David are a very talented couple.
We've know them for several years and I've always loved what they do!
Kim ask us to be in their shop, but I thought 2 hours away was to far to maintain a booth.
City Farmhouse has been a great asset to Franklin, Tn.
I really want to go back and shop real soon! 
Hope you enjoy a few photos of their shop!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Vintage Marketplace Was A Success!

It seems that all the excitement I had built up for the show, was for a good reason!
The Vintage Marketplace Show was a huge success!
I have to say it was the busiest show I've ever been a part of as a vender!
We had customers streaming in and out all three days, nonstop!
There was no down time,
you know where you are sitting and listening to the crickets chirp?
What a show!
We seen tons of blogging friends,
some that have blogs and some that just read blogs.
What a treat.
The show was fun over all!
Hope you enjoy a few photos!

These first few photos are of my booth.

Craig made this lamp!
Love it!

This is Lisa from Urban Farmhouse!
We had a great time hanging out with her and her friend, Will!

This is Dave Lenard
a dealer that sets up at Excess in Texas.
We known Dave since our Atlanta days.

This is Carla and Calvin Murphy,
sorry I can't remember the name of their business!

This was a booth the Sue Whitney
set up with treasures from all our booths.

Last, but not least this is Mark Dooley's booth.
Not sure if that's how he spells his name.
He is the owner of the Excess field in Texas!
It's one of my favorite fields.

I took my camera on Friday and Saturday,
but we were so busy I never had a chance to take any more pictures!